package com.azion // Yes, you can import multiple elements from a module in Scala; // I just prefer to use each on a single line to a) see how huge // the import list is getting, which is usually a point that I should // move things to another module and b) it makes really easy to // sort the list in VIM. import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.FlatMapFunction import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.MapFunction import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.ReduceFunction import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.TimeCharacteristic import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.ProcessFunction import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.SinkFunction import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.SourceFunction import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.DataStream import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.OutputTag import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.StreamExecutionEnvironment import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala._ import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.function.WindowFunction import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.watermark.Watermark import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.TumblingEventTimeWindows import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.time.Time import import org.apache.flink.util.Collector /** * Basic trait (interface) for all metrics. * * Also notice that all metrics have static values; they are designed * this way to be immutable, so all functions that change any value should * actually return a new instance of the metric. */ trait Metric { val prefix:String val name:String val eventTime:Long def add(another:Metric):Metric def updateTime(newEventTime:Long):Metric def key():String = { prefix + "-" + name } } /** * The simple metric have a single value and must be saved in a sink * that accepts a single value. */ case class SimpleMetric(override val name:String, override val eventTime:Long, value:Int) extends Metric { override val prefix = "simple" override def add(another:Metric):Metric = { val other:SimpleMetric = another.asInstanceOf[SimpleMetric] println(s"Adding ${other} into ${this}") new SimpleMetric(name, eventTime, value + other.value) } override def updateTime(newEventTime:Long):Metric = { println(s"Updating ${this} to have event time at ${newEventTime}") new SimpleMetric(name, newEventTime, value) } override def toString():String = { s"Simple Metric of ${name} [${eventTime}] with value ${value}" } } /** * The complex metric have more than one value and, thus, should be saved * in a different sink than the `SimpleMetric` */ case class ComplexMetric(override val name:String, override val eventTime:Long, value1:Int, value2:Int, value3:Int) extends Metric { override val prefix = "complex" override def add(another:Metric):Metric = { val other:ComplexMetric = another.asInstanceOf[ComplexMetric] println(s"Adding ${other} into ${this}") new ComplexMetric( name, eventTime, value1 + other.value1, value2 + other.value2, value3 + other.value3) } override def updateTime(newEventTime:Long):Metric = { println(s"Updating ${this} to have event time at ${newEventTime}") new ComplexMetric(name, newEventTime, value1, value2, value3) } override def toString():String = { s"Complex Metric of ${name} [${eventTime}] with values ${value1}, ${value2}, ${value3}" } } object SideouputSample { def main(args: Array[String]) { val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime) env.setParallelism(2) // just random, we usually run with a higher parallelism // side output names val outputSimple = OutputTag[Metric]("simple") val outputComplex = OutputTag[Metric]("complex") val outputLate = OutputTag[Metric]("late") // Source would be, usually, Kafka, but for this example, we'll use a function // that generates a fixed set of elements. val source = env.addSource(new SourceFunction[String]() { def run(ctx:SourceFunction.SourceContext[String]) { val data = List( "2018-04-03T14:20:00+00:00\tevent1\t1\t2\t3", "2018-04-03T14:20:10+00:00\tevent2\t1\t2\t3", "2018-04-03T14:20:20+00:00\tevent1\t1\t2\t3", "2018-04-03T14:21:00+00:00\tevent1\t1\t2\t3", "2018-04-03T14:21:00+00:00\tevent2\t1\t2\t3", "2018-04-03T14:21:00+00:00\tevent1\t1\t2\t3", "2018-04-03T14:22:00+00:00\tevent2\t1\t2\t3", "2018-04-03T14:22:00+00:00\tevent2\t1\t2\t3") for (record <- data) { println(s"Adding ${record} to be processed in the pipeline...") ctx.collect(record) } } def cancel() {} }) val pipeline = source // convert lines to maps, to make them easier to extract data // (in reality, our "data" is a bunch of records, so we explode // the data here) .flatMap(new FlatMapFunction[String, Map[String, String]] { val fieldNames = List( "time", "eventName", "importantValue", "notSoImportantValue", "reallyNotImportantValue") override def flatMap(input:String, output:Collector[Map[String, String]]):Unit = { val result ="\t")).toMap println(s"Mapped event ${result}...") output.collect(result) } }) // from each line/map, create the necessary metrics (in this case, 2 metrics for each // line) .flatMap(new FlatMapFunction[Map[String, String], Metric] { val format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX") override def flatMap(input:Map[String, String], output:Collector[Metric]):Unit = { val time = format.parse(input("time").asInstanceOf[String]).getTime val simpleMetric = new SimpleMetric( input("eventName").asInstanceOf[String], time, input("importantValue").toInt) println(s"Created ${simpleMetric}...") val complexMetric = new ComplexMetric( input("eventName").asInstanceOf[String], time, input("importantValue").toInt, input("notSoImportantValue").toInt, input("reallyNotImportantValue").toInt) println(s"Created ${complexMetric}...") output.collect(simpleMetric) output.collect(complexMetric) } }) // window assignment .assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks[Metric] { var currentMaxTimestamp: Long = 0 override def extractTimestamp(element:Metric, previousElementTimestamp:Long): Long = { val eventTime = element.eventTime currentMaxTimestamp = Math.max(currentMaxTimestamp, eventTime) eventTime } override def getCurrentWatermark():Watermark = { new Watermark(currentMaxTimestamp - 1000) // ms, so 1 second lag before firing } }) // group things in windows .keyBy(_.key) .window(TumblingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.minutes(1))) .allowedLateness(Time.seconds(30)) .sideOutputLateData(outputLate) // "compact" all the entries, by merging them together .reduce( new ReduceFunction[Metric] { override def reduce(elem1:Metric, elem2:Metric):Metric = { println(s"Reducing ${elem1} with ${elem2}") elem1.add(elem2) } }, // because this happens when the window closes, the start of // the event is, actually, the time the window opened // (this works because we're using Tumbling windows) new WindowFunction[Metric, Metric, String, TimeWindow] { def apply( key:String, window:TimeWindow, elements:Iterable[Metric], out:Collector[Metric] ):Unit = { println(s"Grouping ${elements.toList.length} elements at ${window.getStart}") for (record <- elements) { val updatedEvent = record.updateTime(window.getStart) out.collect(updatedEvent) } } } ) // Split each metric (based on their classes) on a different sideout, which // we'll plug a different sink. pipeline .process(new ProcessFunction[Metric, Metric] { override def processElement( value:Metric, ctx:ProcessFunction[Metric, Metric]#Context, out:Collector[Metric] ):Unit = { value match { case record:SimpleMetric => { println(s"Sending ${record} to ${outputSimple}") ctx.output(outputSimple, record) } case record:ComplexMetric => { println(s"Sending ${record} to ${outputComplex}") ctx.output(outputComplex, record) } case record => println(s"Don't know how to handle ${record}") } } }) // collect all simple metrics pipeline .getSideOutput(outputSimple) // the sink would, usually, be the JDBCOutputFormat here, but we // only want to print the results, so this will do, pig. .addSink(new SinkFunction[Metric] { def invoke(value:Metric):Unit = { println(s"Got ${value} in the simple output") } }) pipeline .getSideOutput(outputComplex) .addSink(new SinkFunction[Metric] { def inkoke(value:Metric):Unit = { println(s"Got ${value} in the complex output") } }) // execute program env.execute("Sample sideoutput") } }