- name: JulioBiason.me hosts: all tasks: - name: Enable EPEL become: yes yum: name: epel-release state: latest - name: Nginx become: yes yum: name: nginx state: latest - name: Enable Remi repo become: yes yum: name: https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm state: installed # NextCloud # Redis 5 (although remi only has 6) - name: Install Redis become: yes yum: name: redis state: latest enablerepo: remi # Postgres - name: Install PostgreSQL become: yes yum: name: - postgresql-server - python-psycopg2 state: latest - name: Initialize PostgreSQL become: yes command: /usr/bin/postgresql-setup initdb - name: Start PostgreSQL (for setup) become: yes systemd: name: postgresql state: started enabled: yes - name: NextCloud database postgresql_db: name: nextcloud # PHP + PHP-FPM - name: Install PHP become: yes yum: name: - php74 - php74-php-gd - php74-php-json - php74-php-xml - php74-php-mbstring - php74-php-pecl-crypto - php74-php-process - php74-php-pecl-zip - php74-php-pgsql - php74-php-pecl-redis5 - php74-php-fpm state: latest # Note to self: php-fpm is now in /opt/remi/php74/root/usr/sbin/php-fpm # NextCloud itself # Domain # Enable all services - name: Reload Systemd Configuration become: yes systemd: daemon_reload: yes - name: Start Redis become: yes systemd: name: redis state: started enabled: yes # git # user # authorized_keys # repositories (with description) # uwsgi # cgit # pygments # uwsgi-for-cgit config (/etc/uwsgi/apps-available) # link /etc/uwsgi/apps-available to /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled # nginx domain # hooks # blog # books # presentations? # blog # zola # nginx domain # resume # html # nginx domain # books # mdbook # nginx domain # presentations # nginx domain # Log rotate # https (HOW???) # email proxy (HOW???)