/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; Foundation.libs.magellan = { name : 'magellan', version : '4.2.2', settings : { activeClass: 'active', threshold: 0 }, init : function (scope, method, options) { this.scope = scope || this.scope; Foundation.inherit(this, 'data_options'); if (typeof method === 'object') { $.extend(true, this.settings, method); } if (typeof method !== 'string') { if (!this.settings.init) { this.fixed_magellan = $("[data-magellan-expedition]"); this.set_threshold(); this.last_destination = $('[data-magellan-destination]').last(); this.events(); } return this.settings.init; } else { return this[method].call(this, options); } }, events : function () { var self = this; $(this.scope).on('arrival.fndtn.magellan', '[data-magellan-arrival]', function (e) { var $destination = $(this), $expedition = $destination.closest('[data-magellan-expedition]'), activeClass = $expedition.attr('data-magellan-active-class') || self.settings.activeClass; $destination .closest('[data-magellan-expedition]') .find('[data-magellan-arrival]') .not($destination) .removeClass(activeClass); $destination.addClass(activeClass); }); this.fixed_magellan .on('update-position.fndtn.magellan', function(){ var $el = $(this); // $el.data("magellan-fixed-position",""); // $el.data("magellan-top-offset", ""); }) .trigger('update-position'); $(window) .on('resize.fndtn.magellan', function() { this.fixed_magellan.trigger('update-position'); }.bind(this)) .on('scroll.fndtn.magellan', function() { var windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); self.fixed_magellan.each(function() { var $expedition = $(this); if (typeof $expedition.data('magellan-top-offset') === 'undefined') { $expedition.data('magellan-top-offset', $expedition.offset().top); } if (typeof $expedition.data('magellan-fixed-position') === 'undefined') { $expedition.data('magellan-fixed-position', false) } var fixed_position = (windowScrollTop + self.settings.threshold) > $expedition.data("magellan-top-offset"); var attr = $expedition.attr('data-magellan-top-offset'); if ($expedition.data("magellan-fixed-position") != fixed_position) { $expedition.data("magellan-fixed-position", fixed_position); if (fixed_position) { $expedition.addClass('fixed'); $expedition.css({position:"fixed", top:0}); } else { $expedition.removeClass('fixed'); $expedition.css({position:"", top:""}); } if (fixed_position && typeof attr != 'undefined' && attr != false) { $expedition.css({position:"fixed", top:attr + "px"}); } } }); }); if (this.last_destination.length > 0) { $(window).on('scroll.fndtn.magellan', function (e) { var windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(), scrolltopPlusHeight = windowScrollTop + $(window).height(), lastDestinationTop = Math.ceil(self.last_destination.offset().top); $('[data-magellan-destination]').each(function () { var $destination = $(this), destination_name = $destination.attr('data-magellan-destination'), topOffset = $destination.offset().top - windowScrollTop; if (topOffset <= self.settings.threshold) { $("[data-magellan-arrival='" + destination_name + "']").trigger('arrival'); } // In large screens we may hit the bottom of the page and dont reach the top of the last magellan-destination, so lets force it if (scrolltopPlusHeight >= $(self.scope).height() && lastDestinationTop > windowScrollTop && lastDestinationTop < scrolltopPlusHeight) { $('[data-magellan-arrival]').last().trigger('arrival'); } }); }); } this.settings.init = true; }, set_threshold : function () { if (!this.settings.threshold) { this.settings.threshold = (this.fixed_magellan.length > 0) ? this.outerHeight(this.fixed_magellan, true) : 0; } }, off : function () { $(this.scope).off('.fndtn.magellan'); }, reflow : function () {} }; }(Foundation.zj, this, this.document));