/*jslint unparam: true, browser: true, indent: 2 */ ; (function($, window, document) { 'use strict'; Foundation.libs.section = { name : 'section', version : '4.3.1', settings: { deep_linking: false, small_breakpoint: 768, one_up: true, section_selector: '[data-section]', region_selector: 'section, .section, [data-section-region]', title_selector: '.title, [data-section-title]', //marker: container is resized resized_data_attr: 'data-section-resized', //marker: container should apply accordion style small_style_data_attr: 'data-section-small-style', content_selector: '.content, [data-section-content]', nav_selector: '[data-section="vertical-nav"], [data-section="horizontal-nav"]', active_class: 'active', callback: function() {} }, init: function(scope, method, options) { var self = this; Foundation.inherit(this, 'throttle data_options position_right offset_right'); if (typeof method === 'object') { $.extend(true, self.settings, method); } if (typeof method !== 'string') { this.events(); return true; } else { return this[method].call(this, options); } }, events: function() { var self = this; //combine titles selector from settings for click event binding var click_title_selectors = [], section_selector = self.settings.section_selector, region_selectors = self.settings.region_selector.split(","), title_selectors = self.settings.title_selector.split(","); for (var i = 0, len = region_selectors.length; i < len; i++) { var region_selector = region_selectors[i]; for (var j = 0, len1 = title_selectors.length; j < len1; j++) { var title_selector = section_selector + ">" + region_selector + ">" + title_selectors[j]; click_title_selectors.push(title_selector + " a"); //or we can not do preventDefault for click event of click_title_selectors.push(title_selector); } } $(self.scope) .on('click.fndtn.section', click_title_selectors.join(","), function(e) { var title = $(this).closest(self.settings.title_selector); self.close_navs(title); if (title.siblings(self.settings.content_selector).length > 0) { self.toggle_active.call(title[0], e); } }); $(window) .on('resize.fndtn.section', self.throttle(function() { self.resize(); }, 30)) .on('hashchange.fndtn.section', self.set_active_from_hash); $(document).on('click.fndtn.section', function (e) { if (e.isPropagationStopped && e.isPropagationStopped()) return; if (e.target === document) return; self.close_navs($(e.target).closest(self.settings.title_selector)); }); $(window).triggerHandler('resize.fndtn.section'); $(window).triggerHandler('hashchange.fndtn.section'); }, //close nav !one_up on click elsewhere close_navs: function(except_nav_with_title) { var self = Foundation.libs.section, navsToClose = $(self.settings.nav_selector) .filter(function() { return !$.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options($(this))).one_up; }); if (except_nav_with_title.length > 0) { var section = except_nav_with_title.parent().parent(); if (self.is_horizontal_nav(section) || self.is_vertical_nav(section)) { //exclude current nav from list navsToClose = navsToClose.filter(function() { return this !== section[0]; }); } } //close navs on click on title navsToClose.children(self.settings.region_selector).removeClass(self.settings.active_class); }, toggle_active: function(e) { var $this = $(this), self = Foundation.libs.section, region = $this.parent(), content = $this.siblings(self.settings.content_selector), section = region.parent(), settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options(section)), prev_active_region = section.children(self.settings.region_selector).filter("." + self.settings.active_class); //for anchors inside [data-section-title] if (!settings.deep_linking && content.length > 0) { e.preventDefault(); } e.stopPropagation(); //do not catch same click again on parent if (!region.hasClass(self.settings.active_class)) { prev_active_region.removeClass(self.settings.active_class); region.addClass(self.settings.active_class); //force resize for better performance (do not wait timer) self.resize(region.find(self.settings.section_selector).not("[" + self.settings.resized_data_attr + "]"), true); } else if (!settings.one_up && (self.small(section) || self.is_vertical_nav(section) || self.is_horizontal_nav(section) || self.is_accordion(section))) { region.removeClass(self.settings.active_class); } settings.callback(section); }, check_resize_timer: null, //main function that sets title and content positions; runs for :not(.resized) and :visible once when window width is medium up //sections: // selected sections to resize, are defined on resize forced by visibility changes //ensure_has_active_region: // is true when we force resize for no resized sections that were hidden and became visible, // these sections can have no selected region, because all regions were hidden along with section on executing set_active_from_hash resize: function(sections, ensure_has_active_region) { var self = Foundation.libs.section, is_small_window = self.small($(document)), //filter for section resize should_be_resized = function (section, now_is_hidden) { return !self.is_accordion(section) && !section.is("[" + self.settings.resized_data_attr + "]") && (!is_small_window || self.is_horizontal_tabs(section)) && now_is_hidden === (section.css('display') === 'none' || !section.parent().is(':visible')); }; sections = sections || $(self.settings.section_selector); clearTimeout(self.check_resize_timer); if (!is_small_window) { sections.removeAttr(self.settings.small_style_data_attr); } //resize sections.filter(function() { return should_be_resized($(this), false); }) .each(function() { var section = $(this), regions = section.children(self.settings.region_selector), titles = regions.children(self.settings.title_selector), content = regions.children(self.settings.content_selector), titles_max_height = 0; if (ensure_has_active_region && section.children(self.settings.region_selector).filter("." + self.settings.active_class).length == 0) { var settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options(section)); if (!settings.deep_linking && (settings.one_up || !self.is_horizontal_nav(section) && !self.is_vertical_nav(section) && !self.is_accordion(section))) { regions.filter(":visible").first().addClass(self.settings.active_class); } } if (self.is_horizontal_tabs(section) || self.is_auto(section)) { // region: position relative // title: position absolute // content: position static var titles_sum_width = 0; titles.each(function() { var title = $(this); if (title.is(":visible")) { title.css(!self.rtl ? 'left' : 'right', titles_sum_width); var title_h_border_width = parseInt(title.css("border-" + (self.rtl ? 'left' : 'right') + "-width"), 10); if (title_h_border_width.toString() === 'Nan') { title_h_border_width = 0; } titles_sum_width += self.outerWidth(title) - title_h_border_width; titles_max_height = Math.max(titles_max_height, self.outerHeight(title)); } }); titles.css('height', titles_max_height); regions.each(function() { var region = $(this), region_content = region.children(self.settings.content_selector), content_top_border_width = parseInt(region_content.css("border-top-width"), 10); if (content_top_border_width.toString() === 'Nan') { content_top_border_width = 0; } region.css('padding-top', titles_max_height - content_top_border_width); }); section.css("min-height", titles_max_height); } else if (self.is_horizontal_nav(section)) { var first = true; // region: positon relative, float left // title: position static // content: position absolute titles.each(function() { titles_max_height = Math.max(titles_max_height, self.outerHeight($(this))); }); regions.each(function() { var region = $(this); region.css("margin-left", "-" + (first ? section : region.children(self.settings.title_selector)).css("border-left-width")); first = false; }); regions.css("margin-top", "-" + section.css("border-top-width")); titles.css('height', titles_max_height); content.css('top', titles_max_height); section.css("min-height", titles_max_height); } else if (self.is_vertical_tabs(section)) { var titles_sum_height = 0; // region: position relative, for .active: fixed padding==title.width // title: fixed width, position absolute // content: position static titles.each(function() { var title = $(this); if (title.is(":visible")) { title.css('top', titles_sum_height); var title_top_border_width = parseInt(title.css("border-top-width"), 10); if (title_top_border_width.toString() === 'Nan') { title_top_border_width = 0; } titles_sum_height += self.outerHeight(title) - title_top_border_width; } }); content.css('min-height', titles_sum_height + 1); } else if (self.is_vertical_nav(section)) { var titles_max_width = 0, first1 = true; // region: positon relative // title: position static // content: position absolute titles.each(function() { titles_max_width = Math.max(titles_max_width, self.outerWidth($(this))); }); regions.each(function () { var region = $(this); region.css("margin-top", "-" + (first1 ? section : region.children(self.settings.title_selector)).css("border-top-width")); first1 = false; }); titles.css('width', titles_max_width); content.css(!self.rtl ? 'left' : 'right', titles_max_width); section.css('width', titles_max_width); } section.attr(self.settings.resized_data_attr, true); }); //wait elements to become visible then resize if ($(self.settings.section_selector).filter(function() { return should_be_resized($(this), true); }).length > 0) self.check_resize_timer = setTimeout(function() { self.resize(sections.filter(function() { return should_be_resized($(this), false); }), true); }, 700); if (is_small_window) { sections.attr(self.settings.small_style_data_attr, true); } }, is_vertical_nav: function(el) { return /vertical-nav/i.test(el.data('section')); }, is_horizontal_nav: function(el) { return /horizontal-nav/i.test(el.data('section')); }, is_accordion: function(el) { return /accordion/i.test(el.data('section')); }, is_horizontal_tabs: function(el) { return /^tabs$/i.test(el.data('section')); }, is_vertical_tabs: function(el) { return /vertical-tabs/i.test(el.data('section')); }, is_auto: function (el) { var data_section = el.data('section'); return data_section === '' || /auto/i.test(data_section); }, set_active_from_hash: function() { var self = Foundation.libs.section, hash = window.location.hash.substring(1), sections = $(self.settings.section_selector); sections.each(function() { var section = $(this), settings = $.extend({}, self.settings, self.data_options(section)), regions = section.children(self.settings.region_selector), set_active_from_hash = settings.deep_linking && hash.length > 0, selected = false; regions.each(function() { var region = $(this); if (selected) { region.removeClass(self.settings.active_class); } else if (set_active_from_hash) { var data_slug = region.children(self.settings.content_selector).data('slug'); if (data_slug && new RegExp(data_slug, 'i').test(hash)) { if (!region.hasClass(self.settings.active_class)) region.addClass(self.settings.active_class); selected = true; } else { region.removeClass(self.settings.active_class); } } else if (region.hasClass(self.settings.active_class)) { selected = true; } }); if (!selected && !settings.deep_linking && (settings.one_up || !self.is_horizontal_nav(section) && !self.is_vertical_nav(section) && !self.is_accordion(section))) regions.filter(":visible").first().addClass(self.settings.active_class); }); }, reflow: function() { var self = Foundation.libs.section; $(self.settings.section_selector).removeAttr(self.settings.resized_data_attr); self.throttle(function() { self.resize(); }, 30)(); }, small: function(el) { var settings = $.extend({}, this.settings, this.data_options(el)); if (this.is_horizontal_tabs(el)) { return false; } if (el && this.is_accordion(el)) { return true; } if ($('html').hasClass('lt-ie9')) { return true; } if ($('html').hasClass('ie8compat')) { return true; } return $(this.scope).width() < settings.small_breakpoint; }, off: function() { $(this.scope).off('.fndtn.section'); $(window).off('.fndtn.section'); $(document).off('.fndtn.section'); } }; //resize selected sections $.fn.reflow_section = function(ensure_has_active_region) { var section = this, self = Foundation.libs.section; section.removeAttr(self.settings.resized_data_attr); self.throttle(function() { self.resize(section, ensure_has_active_region); }, 30)(); return this; }; }(Foundation.zj, window, document));