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# Guild Wars 2 Capturer
The Guild Wars 2 will capture the daily play stats, like WvW Rank, PvP Rank,
completed achievements and play time.
## Configuration
The only required configuration is the access token.
## Internals
We need to keep, locally:
- Current played time, to be compared with the new one and point how long the
player played the game on the day.
- Achievements: This needs a two store: A list of current completed achievments
and a list of all achievements (there are different calls for each).
- Current WvW rank, to be compared with the new one.
- Current PvP rank, to be compared with the new one.
## Output
{% if time_played > 0 %}
Played Guild Wars 2 for {{ time_played }}.
{% if wvw_rank_increase %}
Gained {{ wvw_rank_increase }} WvW ranks.
{% endif %}
{% if pvp_rank_increase %}
Gained {{ pvp_rank_increase }} PvP ranks.
{% endif %}
{% for achievements in new_achievements %}
Completed {{ achievement }}.
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}