#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Mitter, a Maemo client for Twitter. # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Julio Biason, Deepak Sarda # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import gobject gobject.threads_init() gtk.gdk.threads_init() import datetime import re import logging import mitterlib as util from mitterlib.constants import gpl_3, version from mitterlib.ui.helpers.utils import str_len from mitterlib.ui.helpers.notify import Notify from mitterlib.ui.helpers import timesince # Constants URL_RE = re.compile( r'((?:(?:https?|ftp)://|www[-\w]*\.)[^\s\n\r]+[-\w+&@#%=~])', re.I) _log = logging.getLogger('ui.pygtk') class Columns: (PIC, NAME, MESSAGE, USERNAME, ID, DATETIME, ALL_DATA) = range(7) class Interface(object): """Linux/GTK interface for Mitter.""" NAMESPACE = 'pygtk' def systray_cb(self, widget, user_param=None): if self.window.get_property('visible') and self.window.is_active(): x, y = self.window.get_position() self.prefs['position_x'] = x self.prefs['position_y'] = y self.window.hide() else: self.window.move( self.prefs['position_x'], self.prefs['position_y']) self.window.deiconify() self.window.present() def create_settings_dialog(self): """Creates the settings dialog.""" self.settings_window = gtk.Dialog(title="Settings", parent=self.window, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, 0, gtk.STOCK_OK, 1)) self.settings_box = gtk.Table(rows=4, columns=2, homogeneous=False) username_label = gtk.Label('Username:') password_label = gtk.Label('Password:') refresh_label = gtk.Label('Refresh interval (minutes):') https_label = gtk.Label('Use secure connections (HTTPS):') labels = [username_label, password_label, refresh_label, https_label] for label in labels: label.set_alignment(0, 0.5) label.set_padding(2, 0) self.username_field = gtk.Entry() self.password_field = gtk.Entry() self.password_field.set_visibility(False) self.refresh_interval_field = gtk.SpinButton() self.refresh_interval_field.set_range(1, 99) self.refresh_interval_field.set_numeric(True) self.refresh_interval_field.set_value(self.prefs['refresh_interval']) self.refresh_interval_field.set_increments(1, 5) self.https_field = gtk.CheckButton() self.https_field.set_active(self.https) self.settings_box.attach(username_label, 0, 1, 0, 1) self.settings_box.attach(self.username_field, 1, 2, 0, 1) self.settings_box.attach(password_label, 0, 1, 1, 2) self.settings_box.attach(self.password_field, 1, 2, 1, 2) self.settings_box.attach(refresh_label, 0, 1, 2, 3) self.settings_box.attach(self.refresh_interval_field, 1, 2, 2, 3) self.settings_box.attach(https_label, 0, 1, 3, 4) self.settings_box.attach(self.https_field, 1, 2, 3, 4) self.settings_box.show_all() self.settings_window.vbox.pack_start(self.settings_box, True, True, 0) self.settings_window.connect('close', self.close_dialog) self.settings_window.connect('response', self.update_preferences) return def show_about(self, widget): """Show the about dialog.""" about_window = gtk.AboutDialog() about_window.set_name('Mitter') about_window.set_version(version) about_window.set_copyright('2007-2008 Mitter Contributors') about_window.set_license(gpl_3) about_window.set_website('http://mitter.googlecode.com') about_window.set_website_label('Mitter on GoogleCode') about_window.set_authors(['Julio Biason', 'Deepak Sarda', \ 'Gerald Kaszuba']) about_window.connect('close', self.close_dialog) about_window.run() about_window.hide() # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Widget creation functions # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Grid cell content callback # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Non-widget attached callbacks def set_auto_refresh(self): """Configure auto-refresh of tweets every `interval` minutes""" if self._refresh_id: gobject.source_remove(self._refresh_id) self._refresh_id = gobject.timeout_add( self.prefs['refresh_interval']*60*1000, self.refresh, None) return def update_friends_list(self): """Fetch the user's list of twitter friends and add it to the friends_store for @reply autocompletion""" _log.debug('Checking friends list...') friends = self.twitter.friends_list(self.post_update_friends_list) return def post_update_friends_list(self, friends, error): """Function called after we fetch the friends list.""" _log.debug('Received the friends list') if error == 401: # TODO: Constants for this? # not authorized _log.error('User is not authorized yet') return if error in (500, 502, 503): _log.error('Twitter asked us to try getting friends list' \ ' sometime later') gobject.timeout_add(5*60*1000, self.update_friends_list) return if error: # any error # well, we just don't add any friends, then. _log.error('Error getting friend list, leaving list empty') return # I'm not really sure if we need to set the thread locking here (as we # are just updating the store), but better safe than sorry! gtk.gdk.threads_enter() # Sometimes due to twitter API quirks and moon phases, the friends # list ends up getting populated more than once. So watch for # duplicates.... known_friends = [row[0] for row in self.friends_store] _log.debug('known_friends: %s' % " ".join(known_friends)) for friend in friends: try: screen_name = '@' + friend['screen_name'] + ': ' if screen_name not in known_friends: _log.debug('Adding "%s" to the list' % (screen_name)) self.friends_store.append([screen_name]) except Exception, e: # No `error` does not always mean twitter sent us good data _log.error('Error processing friend list. %s' % str(e)) gtk.gdk.threads_leave() _log.debug('friends list processing complete') return def prune_grid_store(self): """Prune the grid_store by removing the oldest rows.""" if len(self.grid_store) <= MAX_STATUS_DISPLAY: return True # Required by gobject.idle_add() for this to be called # again _log.debug("prune_grid_store called") gtk.gdk.threads_enter() self.grid.freeze_child_notify() self.grid.set_model(None) # Since I don't know how to get the last row in grid_store, # I'll reverse the list and then pop out the first row instead. self.grid_store.set_sort_column_id(Columns.DATETIME, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) iter = self.grid_store.get_iter_first() while (len(self.grid_store) > MAX_STATUS_DISPLAY) and iter: _log.debug("popping off tweet with id %s" % self.grid_store.get_value(iter, Columns.ID)) self.grid_store.remove(iter) # iter is auto set to next row self.grid_store.set_sort_column_id(Columns.DATETIME, gtk.SORT_DESCENDING) self.grid.set_model(self.grid_store) self.grid.thaw_child_notify() gtk.gdk.threads_leave() return True # Main window callbacks def size_request(self, widget, requisition, data=None): """Callback when the window changes its sizes. We use it to set the proper word-wrapping for the message column.""" self.prefs['width'], self.prefs['height'] = self.window.get_size() # this is based on a mail of Kristian Rietveld, on gtk maillist if not len(self.grid_store): # nothing to rearrange return column = self.message_column iter = self.grid_store.get_iter_first() path = self.grid_store.get_path(iter) column_rectangle = self.grid.get_cell_area(path, column) width = column_rectangle.width _log.debug('Width=%d' % (width)) # there should be only renderers = column.get_cell_renderers() for render in renderers: _log.debug('Render update') render.set_property('wrap-width', width) while iter: path = self.grid_store.get_path(iter) self.grid_store.row_changed(path, iter) iter = self.grid_store.iter_next(iter) return def notify_reset(self, widget, event, user_data=None): if getattr(event, 'in_', False): self._main_window.set_urgency_hint(False) if self._systray: self._systray.set_tooltip('Mitter: Click to toggle ' \ 'window visibility.') self._systray.set_from_file(self._app_icon) self.unread_tweets = 0 return def notify(self, new_tweets=0): """Set the window hint as urgent, so Mitter window will flash, notifying the user about the new messages. Also send a notification message with one of the new tweets.""" self.window.set_urgency_hint(True) if self._systray and self.unread_tweets > 0: self._systray.set_tooltip('Mitter: %s new' % self.unread_tweets) self._systray.set_from_file(self._app_icon_alert) if self.action_group.get_action('MuteNotify').get_active(): _log.debug('notifications are currently muted') return if new_tweets and len(self.grid_store) > 0: iter = self.grid_store.get_iter_first() while iter: sender = self.grid_store.get_value(iter, Columns.USERNAME) if sender == self.username_field.get_text(): iter = self.grid_store.iter_next(iter) continue else: tweet = self.grid_store.get_value(iter, Columns.MESSAGE) _log.debug('notify_broadcast with this tweet: %s' % tweet) break if new_tweets > 1: msg = '%d unread tweets including ' \ 'this from %s:
%s' % (self.unread_tweets, sender, tweet) else: msg = 'One new tweet from %s:
%s' % (sender, tweet) if self.systray: gtk.gdk.threads_enter() screen, rect, orientation = self.systray.get_geometry() gtk.gdk.threads_leave() self.notify_broadcast(msg, rect.x, rect.y) return # settings callbacks def show_settings(self, widget, user_data=None): """Create and display the settings window.""" self.settings_window.show() self.settings_window.run() return def close_dialog(self, user_data=None): """Hide the dialog window.""" return True def update_preferences(self, widget, response_id=0, user_data=None): """ Update the user preferences when the user press the "OK" button in the settings window.""" if response_id == 1: self.statusbar.push(self.statusbar_context, 'Saving your profile...') self.save_interface_prefs() # update the (internal) twitter prefences too! self.twitter.username = self.username_field.get_text() self.twitter.password = self.password_field.get_text() self.twitter.https = self.https_field.get_active() refresh_interval = self.refresh_interval_field.get_value_as_int() self.prefs['refresh_interval'] = refresh_interval # update the list self.refresh(None) self.update_friends_list() self.statusbar.pop(self.statusbar_context) # update auto-refresh self.set_auto_refresh() self.settings_window.hide() return True # update status def update_status(self, user_data=None): """Update the user status on Twitter.""" status = self.update_text.get_text() status = status.strip() if not str_len(status): return self.update_text.set_sensitive(False) self.statusbar.push(self.statusbar_context, 'Updating your status...') if str_len(status) > 140: error_message = 'Your message has more than 140 characters and' \ ' Twitter may truncate it. It would still be visible ' \ 'on the website. Do you still wish to go ahead?' if str_len(status) > 160: error_message = 'Your message has more than 160 characters ' \ 'and it is very likely Twitter will refuse it. You ' \ 'can try shortening your URLs before posting. Do ' \ 'you still wish to go ahead?' error_dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=self.window, type=gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, message_format="Your status update message is too long.", buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO) error_dialog.format_secondary_text(error_message) response = error_dialog.run() error_dialog.destroy() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_NO: self.statusbar.pop(self.statusbar_context) self.update_text.set_sensitive(True) self.window.set_focus(self.update_text) return data = self.twitter.update(status, self.post_update_status) def post_update_status(self, data, error): """Function called after we receive the answer from the update status.""" if error: gtk.gdk.threads_enter() error_dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=self.window, type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, message_format='Error updating status. Please try again.', buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK) error_dialog.connect("response", lambda *a: error_dialog.destroy()) error_dialog.run() gtk.gdk.threads_leave() else: if data: # i wonder if this will really work self.post_refresh([data], None, False) else: self.refresh(None, False) gtk.gdk.threads_enter() self.update_text.set_text("") gtk.gdk.threads_leave() gtk.gdk.threads_enter() self.statusbar.pop(self.statusbar_context) self.update_text.set_sensitive(True) self.window.set_focus(self.update_text) gtk.gdk.threads_leave() return True def shrink_url(self, widget, user_data=None): bounds = self.update_text.get_selection_bounds() if not bounds: return else: start, end = bounds longurl = self.update_text.get_chars(start, end).strip() if not longurl: return _log.debug('shrink url request for: %s' % longurl) self.update_text.set_sensitive(False) self.statusbar.push(self.statusbar_context, 'Shrinking URL...') self.twitter.download('http://is.gd/api.php?longurl=' + longurl, self.post_shrink_url, longurl=longurl, start=start, end=end) def post_shrink_url(self, url, error, longurl, start, end): if error: _log.error("Exception in shrinking url. ' \ 'Error code: %s" % error) # error dialog gtk.gdk.threads_enter() error_dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=self.window, type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, message_format='Failed to shrink the URL %s' % longurl, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK) error_dialog.connect("response", lambda *a: error_dialog.destroy()) error_dialog.run() gtk.gdk.threads_leave() else: _log.debug('Got shrunk url: %s' % url) char = self.update_text.get_chars(start-1, start) if start and not char.isspace(): url = ' '+url char = self.update_text.get_chars(end, end+1) if not char.isspace(): url = url+' ' gtk.gdk.threads_enter() self.update_text.delete_text(start, end) self.update_text.insert_text(url, start) self.update_text.set_position(start+len(url)) gtk.gdk.threads_leave() gtk.gdk.threads_enter() self.statusbar.pop(self.statusbar_context) self.update_text.set_sensitive(True) self.update_text.grab_focus() gtk.gdk.threads_leave() # post related callbacks def reply_tweet(self, widget, user_data=None): """Reply by putting the username in your input""" cursor = self.grid.get_cursor() if not cursor: return path = cursor[0] iter = self.grid_store.get_iter(path) username = self.grid_store.get_value(iter, Columns.USERNAME) text_insert = '@%s: ' % (username) _log.debug('Inserting reply text: %s' % (text_insert)) status = self.update_text.get_text() status = text_insert + status self.update_text.set_text(status) self.window.set_focus(self.update_text) self.update_text.set_position(len(status)) def retweet(self, widget, user_data=None): """Retweet by putting the string rt and username in your input""" cursor = self.grid.get_cursor() if not cursor: return path = cursor[0] iter = self.grid_store.get_iter(path) username = self.grid_store.get_value(iter, Columns.USERNAME) msg = self.grid_store.get_value(iter, Columns.MESSAGE) text_insert = 'RT @%s: %s' % (username, msg) _log.debug('Inserting retweet text: %s' % (text_insert)) status = text_insert + self.update_text.get_text() self.update_text.set_text(status) self.window.set_focus(self.update_text) self.update_text.set_position(str_len(status)) def delete_tweet(self, widget, user_data=None): """Delete a twit.""" cursor = self.grid.get_cursor() if not cursor: return path = cursor[0] iter = self.grid_store.get_iter(path) tweet_id = int(self.grid_store.get_value(iter, Columns.ID)) _log.debug('Deleting tweet: %d' % (tweet_id)) self.statusbar.push(self.statusbar_context, 'Deleting tweet...') self.twitter.tweet_destroy(tweet_id, self.post_delete_tweet, tweet=tweet_id) return def post_delete_tweet(self, data, error, tweet): """Function called after we delete a tweet on the server.""" if error: gtk.gdk.threads_enter() error_dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=self.window, type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, message_format='Error deleting tweet. Please try again.', buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK) error_dialog.connect("response", lambda *a: error_dialog.destroy()) error_dialog.run() gtk.gdk.threads_leave() else: # locate that tweet in the store and remove it. iter = self.grid_store.get_iter_first() tweet = int(tweet) while iter: id = self.grid_store.get_value(iter, Columns.ID) if int(id) == tweet: self.grid_store.remove(iter) break iter = self.grid_store.iter_next(iter) # update the interface gtk.gdk.threads_enter() self.statusbar.pop(self.statusbar_context) self.grid.queue_draw() gtk.gdk.threads_leave() return def check_post(self, treeview, user_data=None): """Callback when one of the rows is selected.""" cursor = treeview.get_cursor() if not cursor: return path = cursor[0] iter = self.grid_store.get_iter(path) username = self.grid_store.get_value(iter, Columns.USERNAME) delete_action = self.action_group.get_action('Delete') if username == self.username_field.get_text(): delete_action.set_property('sensitive', True) else: delete_action.set_property('sensitive', False) return def open_post(self, treeview, path, view_column, user_data=None): """Callback when one of the rows in activated.""" iter = self.grid_store.get_iter(path) username = self.grid_store.get_value(iter, Columns.USERNAME) tweet_id = self.grid_store.get_value(iter, Columns.ID) message = self.grid_store.get_value(iter, Columns.MESSAGE) urls = url_re.search(message) if urls: # message contains a link; go to the link instead url = urls.groups()[0] else: url = 'http://twitter.com/%s/statuses/%s/' % (username, tweet_id) self.open_url(path, url) def click_post(self, treeview, event, user_data=None): """Callback when a mouse click event occurs on one of the rows.""" if event.button != 3: # Only right clicks are processed return False x = int(event.x) y = int(event.y) pth = treeview.get_path_at_pos(x, y) if not pth: # The click wasn't on a row return False path, col, cell_x, cell_y = pth treeview.grab_focus() treeview.set_cursor(path, col, 0) self.show_post_popup(treeview, event) return True def show_post_popup(self, treeview, event, user_data=None): """Shows the popup context menu in the treeview""" cursor = treeview.get_cursor() if not cursor: return path = cursor[0] row_iter = self.grid_store.get_iter(path) popup_menu = gtk.Menu() popup_menu.set_screen(self.window.get_screen()) # An open submenu with various choices underneath open_menu_items = [] tweet = self.grid_store.get_value(row_iter, Columns.ALL_DATA) urls = url_re.findall(tweet['text']) for url in urls: if len(url) > 20: item_name = url[:20] + '...' else: item_name = url item = gtk.MenuItem(item_name) item.connect('activate', self.open_url, url) open_menu_items.append(item) if tweet['in_reply_to_status_id']: # I wish twitter made it easy to construct target url # without having to make another API call reply_to = re.search(r'@(?P\w+)', tweet['text']) if reply_to: url = 'http://twitter.com/%s/statuses/%s' % ( reply_to.group('user'), tweet['in_reply_to_status_id']) item = gtk.MenuItem('In reply to') item.connect('activate', self.open_url, url) open_menu_items.append(item) item = gtk.MenuItem('This tweet') username = self.grid_store.get_value(row_iter, Columns.USERNAME) tweet_id = self.grid_store.get_value(row_iter, Columns.ID) url = 'http://twitter.com/%s/statuses/%s/' % (username, tweet_id) item.connect('activate', self.open_url, url) open_menu_items.append(item) open_menu = gtk.Menu() for item in open_menu_items: open_menu.append(item) open_item = gtk.MenuItem("Open") open_item.set_submenu(open_menu) popup_menu.append(open_item) # Reply, only if it's not yourself item = gtk.MenuItem("Reply") item.connect('activate', self.reply_tweet, "Reply") if username == self.username_field.get_text(): item.set_property('sensitive', False) popup_menu.append(item) # Retweet, only if it's not yourself item = gtk.MenuItem("Retweet") item.connect('activate', self.retweet, "Retweet") if username == self.username_field.get_text(): item.set_property('sensitive', False) popup_menu.append(item) item = gtk.MenuItem("Delete") item.connect('activate', self.delete_tweet, "Delete") if username != self.username_field.get_text(): item.set_property('sensitive', False) popup_menu.append(item) popup_menu.show_all() if event: b = event.button t = event.time else: b = 1 t = 0 popup_menu.popup(None, None, None, b, t) return True # action callbacks # (yes, settings should be here, but there are more settings-related # callbacks, so let's keep them together somewhere else) def open_url(self, source, url): """Simply opens specified url in new browser tab. We need source parameter so that this function can be used as an event callback""" _log.debug('opening url: %s' % url) import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new_tab(url) self.window.set_focus(self.update_text) def refresh(self, widget, notify=True): """Update the list of twits.""" if self.last_update: self.statusbar.pop(self.statusbar_context) self.last_update = datetime.datetime.now() _log.debug('Updating list of tweets...') self.statusbar.push(self.statusbar_context, 'Updating list of tweets...') self.twitter.friends_timeline(self.post_refresh, notify=notify) return True # required by gobject.timeout_add def post_refresh(self, data, error, notify): """Function called when the system retrieves the list of new tweets.""" _log.debug('Data: %s' % (str(data))) if error == 401: # Not authorized, popup the settings window gtk.gdk.threads_enter() error_dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=self.window, type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, message_format='Autorization error, check your login ' \ 'information in the prefrences', buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK) error_dialog.connect("response", lambda *a: error_dialog.destroy()) error_dialog.run() gtk.gdk.threads_leave() return if not data: gtk.gdk.threads_enter() self.statusbar.pop(self.statusbar_context) self.show_last_update() _log.debug('No new data') gtk.gdk.threads_leave() return known_tweets = [row[Columns.ID] for row in self.grid_store] need_notify = False new_tweets = 0 new_tweets_list = [] for tweet in data: id = tweet['id'] if str(id) in known_tweets: _log.debug('Tweet %s is already in the list' % (id)) continue created_at = tweet['created_at'] display_name = tweet['user']['name'] username = tweet['user']['screen_name'] user_pic = tweet['user']['profile_image_url'] message = tweet['text'] new_tweets_list.append((user_pic, display_name, message, username, id, created_at, tweet)) self.queue_pic(user_pic) _log.debug('New tweet with id %s from %s' % (id, username)) if not username == self.username_field.get_text(): # we don't want to be notified about tweets from ourselves, # but from everyone else it is fine. new_tweets += 1 # add the new tweets in the store gtk.gdk.threads_enter() for data in new_tweets_list: self.grid_store.append(data) self.statusbar.pop(self.statusbar_context) # there is new stuff, so we move to the top p = self.grid_store.get_path(self.grid_store.get_iter_first()) self.grid.scroll_to_cell(p) self.show_last_update() _log.debug('Tweets updated') gtk.gdk.threads_leave() if new_tweets and notify: self.unread_tweets += new_tweets self.notify(new_tweets) self.refresh_rate_limit() self.prune_grid_store() # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Helper functions # ------------------------------------------------------------ def clear_list(self): """Clear the list, so we can add more items.""" self.grid_store.clear() return def refresh_rate_limit(self): """Request the rate limit and check if we are doing okay.""" self.twitter.rate_limit_status(self.post_refresh_rate_limit) return def post_refresh_rate_limit(self, data, error): """Callback for the refresh_rate_limit.""" if error or not data: _log.error('Error fetching rate limit') return # Check if we are running low on our limit reset_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(data['reset_time_in_seconds'])) if reset_time < datetime.datetime.now(): # Clock differences can cause this return time_delta = reset_time - datetime.datetime.now() mins_till_reset = time_delta.seconds/60 # Good enough! needed_hits = mins_till_reset/self.prefs['refresh_interval'] remaining_hits = int(data['remaining_hits']) _log.debug('remaining_hits: %s. reset in %s mins.' % (remaining_hits, mins_till_reset)) if needed_hits > remaining_hits: gtk.gdk.threads_enter() error_dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=self.window, type=gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, message_format='Refresh rate too high', buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK) error_dialog.format_secondary_text( "You have only %d twitter requests left until your " \ "request count is reset in %d minutes. But at your " \ "current refresh rate (every %d minutes), you will " \ "exhaust your limit within %d minutes. You should " \ "consider increasing the refresh interval in Mitter's " \ "Settings dialog." % (remaining_hits, mins_till_reset, self.prefs['refresh_interval'], remaining_hits * self.prefs['refresh_interval'])) error_dialog.connect("response", lambda *a: error_dialog.destroy()) error_dialog.run() gtk.gdk.threads_leave() def show_last_update(self): """Add the last update time in the status bar.""" last_update = self.last_update.strftime('%H:%M') next_update = (self.last_update + datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.prefs[ 'refresh_interval'])).strftime('%H:%M') message = 'Last update %s, next update %s' % (last_update, next_update) self.statusbar.push(self.statusbar_context, message) return def queue_pic(self, pic): """Check if the pic is in the queue or already downloaded. If it is not in any of those, add it to the download queue.""" if pic in self.user_pics: return if pic in self.pic_queue: return self.pic_queue.add(pic) self.twitter.download(pic, self.post_pic_download, id=pic) return def post_pic_download(self, data, error, id): """Function called once we downloaded the user pic.""" _log.debug('Received pic %s' % (id)) if error or not data: _log.debug('Error with the pic, not loading') return loader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader() loader.write(data) loader.close() self.user_pics[id] = loader.get_pixbuf() self.pic_queue.discard(id) # finally, request the grid to redraw itself gtk.gdk.threads_enter() self.grid.queue_draw() gtk.gdk.threads_leave() return # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Helper functions # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _sort_by_time(self, model, iter1, iter2, data=None): """The sort function where we sort by the datetime.datetime object""" d1 = model.get_value(iter1, Columns.DATETIME) d2 = model.get_value(iter2, Columns.DATETIME) # Why do we get called with None values?! if not d1: return 1 if not d2: return -1 if d1 < d2: return -1 elif d1 > d2: return 1 return 0 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Widget creation functions # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _systray_setup(self): if not (self._app_icon and self._app_icon_alert): self._systray = None return self._systray = gtk.StatusIcon() self._systray.set_from_file(self._app_icon) self._systray.connect('activate', self.systray_cb) self._systray.set_tooltip('Mitter: Click to toggle window visibility.') self._systray.set_visible(True) return def _create_main_window(self): """Returns the object with the main window and the attached widgets.""" main_window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) initial_width = int(self._options[self.NAMESPACE]['width']) initial_height = int(self._options[self.NAMESPACE]['height']) _log.debug('Initial size: %d x %d', initial_width, initial_height) initial_x = int(self._options[self.NAMESPACE]['position_x']) initial_y = int(self._options[self.NAMESPACE]['position_y']) _log.debug('Initial position: %d x %d', initial_x, initial_y) main_window.set_title('Mitter') main_window.set_size_request(10, 10) # very small minimal size main_window.resize(initial_width, initial_height) main_window.move(initial_x, initial_y) if self._app_icon: main_window.set_icon_from_file(self._app_icon) main_window.connect('destroy', self.quit_app) main_window.connect('delete-event', self.quit_app) grid = self._create_grid() (menu, toolbar, accelerators) = self._create_menu_and_toolbar() update_field = self._create_update_box() statusbar = self._create_statusbar() update_box = gtk.VPaned() update_box.pack1(grid, resize=True, shrink=False) update_box.pack2(update_field, resize=False, shrink=True) box = gtk.VBox(False, 1) box.pack_start(menu, False, True, 0) box.pack_start(update_box, True, True, 0) box.pack_start(statusbar, False, False, 0) main_window.add(box) main_window.add_accel_group(accelerators) return main_window def _create_grid(self): """Add the displaying grid.""" self.grid_store = gtk.ListStore(object) # Trying to store the NetworkData object only self.grid_store.set_sort_func(0, self._sort_by_time) self.grid_store.set_sort_column_id(0, gtk.SORT_DESCENDING) self.grid = gtk.TreeView(self.grid_store) self.grid.set_property('headers-visible', False) self.grid.set_rules_hint(True) # change color for each row user_renderer = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() user_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('User', user_renderer) user_column.set_cell_data_func(user_renderer, self._cell_renderer_user) self.grid.append_column(user_column) message_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() message_renderer.set_property('wrap-mode', gtk.WRAP_WORD) message_renderer.set_property('wrap-width', 200) message_renderer.set_property('width', 10) message_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Message', message_renderer, text=1) message_column.set_cell_data_func(message_renderer, self._cell_renderer_message) self.grid.append_column(message_column) self.grid.set_resize_mode(gtk.RESIZE_IMMEDIATE) #self.grid.connect('cursor-changed', self.check_post) #self.grid.connect('row-activated', self.open_post) #self.grid.connect('button-press-event', self.click_post) #self.grid.connect('popup-menu', # lambda view: self.show_post_popup(view, None)) scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS) scrolled_window.add(self.grid) return scrolled_window def _create_menu_and_toolbar(self): """Create the main menu and the toolbar.""" # tasks (used by the menu and toolbar) refresh_action = gtk.Action('Refresh', '_Refresh', 'Update the listing', gtk.STOCK_REFRESH) refresh_action.connect('activate', self.refresh) quit_action = gtk.Action('Quit', '_Quit', 'Exit Mitter', gtk.STOCK_QUIT) quit_action.connect('activate', self.quit_app) settings_action = gtk.Action('Settings', '_Settings', 'Settings', gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES) settings_action.connect('activate', self.show_settings) update_action = gtk.Action('Update', '_Update', 'Update your status', gtk.STOCK_ADD) update_action.set_property('sensitive', False) update_action.connect('activate', self._update_status) delete_action = gtk.Action('Delete', '_Delete', 'Delete a post', gtk.STOCK_DELETE) delete_action.set_property('sensitive', False) delete_action.connect('activate', self.delete_tweet) about_action = gtk.Action('About', '_About', 'About Mitter', gtk.STOCK_ABOUT) about_action.connect('activate', self.show_about) shrink_url_action = gtk.Action('ShrinkURL', 'Shrink _URL', 'Shrink selected URL', gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE) shrink_url_action.connect('activate', self.shrink_url) mute_action = gtk.ToggleAction('MuteNotify', '_Mute Notifications', 'Mutes notifications on new tweets', gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PAUSE) mute_action.set_active(False) post_action = gtk.Action('Posts', '_Posts', 'Post management', None) file_action = gtk.Action('File', '_File', 'File', None) edit_action = gtk.Action('Edit', '_Edit', 'Edit', None) help_action = gtk.Action('Help', '_Help', 'Help', None) # action group (will have all the actions, 'cause we are not actually # grouping them, but Gtk requires them that way) self.action_group = gtk.ActionGroup('MainMenu') self.action_group.add_action_with_accel(refresh_action, 'F5') # None = use the default accelerator, based on the STOCK used. self.action_group.add_action_with_accel(quit_action, None) self.action_group.add_action(settings_action) self.action_group.add_action(delete_action) self.action_group.add_action(post_action) self.action_group.add_action(file_action) self.action_group.add_action(edit_action) self.action_group.add_action(help_action) self.action_group.add_action(about_action) self.action_group.add_action_with_accel(shrink_url_action, 'u') self.action_group.add_action_with_accel(mute_action, 'm') self.action_group.add_action_with_accel(update_action, 'Return') # definition of the UI uimanager = gtk.UIManager() uimanager.insert_action_group(self.action_group, 0) ui = ''' ''' uimanager.add_ui_from_string(ui) main_menu = uimanager.get_widget('/MainMenu') main_toolbar = uimanager.get_widget('/MainToolbar') return (main_menu, main_toolbar, uimanager.get_accel_group()) def _create_update_box(self): """Create the widgets related to the update box""" self._update_text = gtk.TextView() text_buffer = self._update_text.get_buffer() text_buffer.connect('changed', self._count_chars) update_button = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_ADD) update_button.connect('clicked', self._update_status) update_box = gtk.HBox(False, 0) update_box.pack_start(self._update_text, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0) update_box.pack_start(update_button, expand=False, fill=False, padding=0) info_box = gtk.HBox(False, 0) self._char_count = gtk.Label() self._char_count.set_text('(140)') info_box.pack_start(gtk.Label('What are you doing?')) info_box.pack_start(self._char_count) update_area = gtk.VBox(True, 0) update_area.pack_start(info_box) update_area.pack_start(update_box) return update_area def _create_statusbar(self): """Create the statusbar.""" statusbar = gtk.Statusbar() # TODO: Probaly set the context in the object. return statusbar # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Cell rendering functions # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _cell_renderer_user(self, column, cell, store, position): """Callback for the user column. Used to created the pixbuf of the userpic.""" data = store.get_value(position, 0) pic = data.avatar if not pic in self._user_pics: cell.set_property('pixbuf', self._default_pixmap) # just make sure we download this pic too. self.queue_pic(pic) else: cell.set_property('pixbuf', self._user_pics[pic]) return def _cell_renderer_message(self, column, cell, store, position): """Callback for the message column. We need this to adjust the markup property of the cell, as setting it as text won't do any markup processing.""" data = store.get_value(position, 0) message = data.message username = data.username time = timesince.timesince(data.message_time) # unescape escaped entities that pango is okay with message = re.sub(r'&(?!(amp;|gt;|lt;|quot;|apos;))', r'&', message) # highlight URLs message = url_re.sub(r'\1', message) # use a different highlight for the current user message = re.sub(r'(@'+self.twitter.username+')', r'\1', message) markup = '%s (%s):\n%s\n%s' % \ (data.name, username, message, time) cell.set_property('markup', markup) return # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Widget callback functions # ------------------------------------------------------------ def _count_chars(self, text_buffer): """Count the number of chars in the edit field and update the label that shows the available space.""" start = text_buffer.get_start_iter() end = text_buffer.get_end_iter() text = text_buffer.get_text(start, end, include_hidden_chars=False) self._char_count.set_text('(%d)' % (140 - len(text))) return True def _update_status(self): """Update your status.""" _log.debug('Updating status.') status = self._update_text.get_text() status = status.strip() if not str_len(status): return self.update_text.set_sensitive(False) self.statusbar.push(self.statusbar_context, 'Updating your status...') def quit_app(self, widget=None, user_data=None): """Callback when the window is destroyed or the user selects "Quit".""" (x, y) = self._main_window.get_position() _log.debug('Current position: %d x %d', x, y) self._options[self.NAMESPACE]['position_x'] = x self._options[self.NAMESPACE]['position_y'] = y (width, height) = self._main_window.get_size() _log.debug('Current window size: %d x %d', width, height) self._options[self.NAMESPACE]['width'] = width self._options[self.NAMESPACE]['height'] = height gtk.main_quit() return # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Required functions for all interfaces # ------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, connection, options): """Class initialization.""" self._connection = connection self._options = options self._user_pics = {} self._pic_queue = set() # Load images self._app_icon = util.find_image('mitter.png') self._app_icon_alert = util.find_image('mitter-new.png') unknown_pixbuf = util.find_image('unknown.png') if unknown_pixbuf: self._default_pixmap = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( unknown_pixbuf) else: self._default_pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, has_alpha=False, bits_per_sample=8, width=48, height=48) self._main_window = self._create_main_window() #self._main_window() #self._systray_setup() # self.create_settings_dialog() # self.username_field.set_text(default_username) # self.password_field.set_text(default_password) # self.https_field.set_active(self.https) # notification helper # self.notify_broadcast = Notify('mitter').notify # start auto refresh activity # self._refresh_id = None # self.set_auto_refresh() # self.window.set_focus(self.update_text) return def __call__(self): """Call function; displays the interface. This method should appear on every interface.""" self._main_window.show_all() gtk.main() @classmethod def options(self, options): """Add the options for this interface.""" options.add_group(self.NAMESPACE, 'GTK+ Interface') options.add_option('--refresh-interval', group=self.NAMESPACE, option='refresh_interval', help='Refresh interval', type='int', metavar='MINUTES', default=5, conflict_group='interface') # Most of the options for non-cmd-options are useless, but I'm keeping # them as documentation. options.add_option( group=self.NAMESPACE, option='width', help='Window width', type='int', metavar='PIXELS', default=450, conflict_group='interface', is_cmd_option=False) options.add_option( group=self.NAMESPACE, option='height', help='Window height', type='int', metavar='PIXELS', default=300, conflict_group='interface', is_cmd_option=False) options.add_option( group=self.NAMESPACE, option='position_x', help='Window position on the X axis', type='int', metavar='PIXELS', default=5, conflict_group='interface', is_cmd_option=False) options.add_option( group=self.NAMESPACE, option='position_y', help='Window position on the Y axis', type='int', metavar='PIXELS', default=5, conflict_group='interface', is_cmd_option=False) options.add_option( group=self.NAMESPACE, option='max_status_display', help='Maximum number of elements to keep internally', type='int', metavar='MESSAGES', default=60, conflict_group='interface', is_cmd_option=False) # TODO: Should it be config only?