Creates missing files for NextCloud in an S3 storage, so it understands the directory structure.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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5 years ago
## What is this?
When you're using [NextCloud]( (the "nc" part of the
name of this) and you're using an object store (like [AWS
S3]( or [Digital Ocean
Spaces](, it will need some
special files, marked with content-type "unix/http-directory" to understand
directories; when those files are missing, NextCloud will not show the
Uploading files directly from the NextCloud interface will create those files,
but you use some other tool, like [s3cmd](, for
example, those files will be missing.
`nc-dirs` will scan the object store and add the missing "directory" files.
## Running
To run, you'll need some environment variables:
* `NC_REGION` with the region name.
* `NC_ENDPOINT` with the storage endpoint.
* `NC_BUCKET` with the bucket name you want to scan and ensure the files are
* `NC_ACCESS_KEY` with the access key to access the bucket.
* `NC_SECRET_KEY` with the secret key to access the bucket.
(`NC_ENDPOINT` may seem redundant if you're using AWS S3, but as a Digital
Ocean Spaces client, I need that to be able to access it properly.)