use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::collections::BTreeSet; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use serde_derive::Deserialize; use serde_derive::Serialize; use toml; pub type WordStorage = BTreeMap>; #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct WordList { adjectives: WordStorage, metals: WordStorage, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum WordListError { InvalidFormat, InvalidWord, SaveFailure, } impl std::convert::From for WordListError { fn from(_error: std::io::Error) -> WordListError { WordListError::InvalidFormat } } impl std::convert::From for WordListError { fn from(_error: toml::de::Error) -> WordListError { WordListError::InvalidFormat } } impl std::convert::From for WordListError { fn from(_error: toml::ser::Error) -> WordListError { WordListError::SaveFailure } } impl WordList { /// Create an empty database fn empty() -> Self { WordList { adjectives: WordStorage::new(), metals: WordStorage::new(), } } /// Load the database fn load() -> Result { if let Ok(mut fp) = File::open("database.toml") { let mut content = String::new(); fp.read_to_string(&mut content)?; let data = toml::from_str(&content)?; Ok(data) } else { Ok(WordList::empty()) } } /// Save the database fn save(&self) -> Result<(), WordListError> { let content = toml::to_string(&self).unwrap(); let mut fp = File::create("database.toml")?; fp.write_all(content.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } /// Get the list of all adjectives pub fn find_all_adjectives() -> Result { let repo = Self::load()?; Ok(repo.adjectives) } /// Get the list of all metals pub fn find_all_metals() -> Result { let repo = Self::load()?; Ok(repo.metals) } /// Add an adjective to the word list pub fn insert_adjective(adjective: &str) -> Result<(), WordListError> { let mut repo = Self::load()?; Self::insert_word(adjective, &mut repo.adjectives)?; } /// Add a metal to the word list pub fn insert_metal(metal: &str) -> Result<(), WordListError> { let mut repo = Self::load()?; Self::insert_word(metal, &mut repo.metals)?; } /// Generic function to insert words in the storage; the target points in which of the lists /// the word should be inserted. fn insert_word(word: &str, target: &mut WordStorage) -> Result<(), WordListError> { let initial = word .chars() .nth(0) .ok_or(WordListError::InvalidWord)? .to_string() .to_lowercase(); let mut list = if !target.contains_key(&initial) { let empty_list = BTreeSet::new(); empty_list } else { target.get(&initial).unwrap().to_owned() }; list.insert(word.to_string().to_lowercase()); target.insert(initial, list); Ok(()) } }