Name your Rust Project.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

45 lines
1.7 KiB

use clap::{Arg, App, SubCommand};
fn main() {
let generate = SubCommand::with_name("generate")
.about("Generate a new name")
.help("Short description of your application"));
let adjectives = SubCommand::with_name("adjectives")
.about("Adjectives maintenance")
.about("List current adjectives"))
.about("Add a new adjective")
.help("Adjective to be added")))
.about("Remove an adjective")
.help("Adjective to be removed")));
let metals = SubCommand::with_name("metals")
.about("Metal names maintenance")
.about("List current metal names"))
.about("Add a new metal name")
.help("Metal name to be added")))
.about("Remove a metal name")
.help("Metal name to be removed")));
let main = App::new("Name Rust Programs")
.author("Julio Biason <>")
.about("From a short description, create a name for your application")
let matches = main.get_matches();