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761 B

https://github.com/elastio/bon: bon is a Rust crate for generating compile-time-checked builders for functions and structs. https://github.com/spring-rs/spring-rs: spring-rs is a microservice framework written in Rust, similar to SpringBoot in java. spring-rs provides an easily extensible plug-in system for integrating excellent projects in the Rust community, such as axum, sqlx, sea-orm, etc. https://d07riv.github.io/diabloweb/: Run Diablo I in your browser https://owickstrom.github.io/the-monospace-web/: The Monospace Web https://www.howtocodeit.com/articles/master-hexagonal-architecture-rust: Master hexagonal architecture in Rust https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/qpeblj/doctave_a_batteriesincluded_docs_site_generator/: MkDocs in Rust