- "Build stuff with Chris" - What about the GPU builds? Are we going to have specialized pipelines for this? - PR in scale (running pull requests validations) - We don't need to do this right now - We can disable branch discovery and leave only on "open PRs" - Show & Tell about the new branching stuff - Doing this after 4.2.1 - Pick a "Guinea pig" to test this with us - This sprint, focus more on this branch/PR thing - Bitbucket may not support what we need (due the lack of blocking merges when the build fails) - If we need harder restrictions, we have other options, like paying Bitbucket more or moving to something else - Idea is to have larger tests happening 3 week before release, running 24/7 - HelyxTest needs to go - We need to help Emanuel remove his cases from helyxTest and have a specialized tool for image comparison - Case database - I don't think this is a devops job - V&V Pipeline - Work on it, we may need it in the future - We are going to run larger cases in it too, which would require Slurm - Run post build tests (validate distribution)