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<title>Por que você deveria aprender Rust</title>
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<section data-background="_images/rust-ferris.png" data-header>
<h1 class="semi-opaque">Por Que Rust</h1>
<a href="">A languagem mais amada segundo o StackOverflow Survey</a>
<p class="fragment">... pelo 4⁰ ano seguido.</p>
<h2>Imutabilidade por Default</h2>
fn main() {
let a = 2;
a = 3;
println!("{}", a);
3 | let a = 2;
| -
| |
| first assignment to `a`
| help: make this binding mutable: `mut a`
4 | a = 3;
| ^^^^^ cannot assign twice to immutable variable
fn main() {
let mut a = 2;
a = 3;
println!("{}", a);
<h2>Borrow Checker</h2>
a = 2
"Variável <code>a</code> tem o valor 2"
"Posição de memória apontada por <code>a</code> tem o valor 2"
<div class="fragment">
0x3f5cbf89 = 2
A language that doesn't affect the way you think
about programming, is not worth knowing.
-- Alan Perlis, "ALGOL"
fn main() {
let a = String::from("hello");
let _b = a;
println!("{}", a)
error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `a`
--> src/
4 | let _b = a;
| - value moved here
5 | println!("{}", a)
| ^ value borrowed here after move
= note: move occurs because `a` has type `std::string::String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
<h3>E se eu precisar acessar a variável em mais de um lugar?</h3>
<p class="fragment">References</p>
fn main() {
let a = String::from("hello");
let _b = &a;
println!("{}", a)
<h3>Regras do Borrow Checker</h3>
<li class="fragment">Uma região de memória tem apenas um dono.</li>
<li class="fragment">Uma região de memória pode ter inifitas referências
<span class="fragment">
desde que elas não durem mais do que o dono.
<li class="fragment">
É possível ter uma referência mutável de uma região de memória
<span class="fragment">
mas para haver uma referência mutável ela deve ser a <strong>única</strong>
<img src="_images/rust-memory.png" alt="">
<img src="_images/rust-reference.png" alt="">
<a href="">Swift 5 Exclusivity Enforcement</a>
enum IpAddr {
enum IpAddr {
let home = IpAddr::V4(String::from("");
match home {
V4(address) => println!("IPv4 addr: {}", address),
V6(address) => println!("Ipv6 addr: {}", address),
enum Option&lt;T&gt; {
<h2>Error Control</h2>
except Exception:
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
FILE* f = fopen("someting.txt", "wb");
fprintf(f, "Done!");
Onde o erro foi tratado nisso?
enum Result&lt;T, E&gt; {
File::create("something.txt") match {
Ok(fp) => fp.write_all(b"Hello world"),
Err(err) => println!("Failure! {}", err),
File::create("something.txt") match {
Ok(fp) => fp.write_all(b"Hello world") match {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(err) => println!("Can't write! {}", err),
Err(err) => println!("Failure! {}", err),
let mut file = File::create("something.txt).unwrap();
file.write(b"Hello world").unwrap();
let mut file = File::create("something.txt)?;
file.write(b"Hello world")?;
<h2>Crazy stuff</h2>
<a href="">How Rust’s standard library was vulnerable for years and nobody noticed</a>
<a href="">No, the problem isn’t “bad coders”</a>
<img src="_images/rust-issues.png" alt="4.5k issues no Github">
<a href="">rustup</a>
<div class="fragment">
<div class="fragment">
<div class="fragment">
<small>wasm32-unknown-unknown</small> <small class="fragment">(WebAssembly)</small>
fn sum_of_squares(input: &amp;[i32]) -&gt; i32 {
.map(|&amp;i| i * i)
fn sum_of_squares(input: &amp;[i32]) -&gt; i32 {
.map(|&amp;i| i * i)
#[logfn(ok = "TRACE", err = "ERROR")]
fn call_isan(num: &amp;str) -&gt; Result&lt;Success, Error&gt; {
if num.len() &gt;= 10 &amp;&amp; num.len() &lt;= 15 {
} else {
<h2>E quem usa?</h2>
<h3>Magic Pocket</h3>
<p>Petabyte storage</p>
<p>Base do Firefox Quantum</p>
<p>Usado na parte de IoT do Azure</p>
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