pip install robotframework
+ +***
, testes podem estar
+ em vários arquivos -- incluindo RST.pip install behave
(tal qual Cucumber)context
Feature: Testing passwords
+ Scenario: Invalid password
+ Given that I have a username foo
+ And that I have a password test123
+ When I try to create an user
+ Then I should get an error of invalid password
+ # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Behave steps."""
+import behave
+import mainsource
+@behave.given("that I have a username {name}")
+def set_username(context, name):
+ context.username = name
+ return
+@behave.given("that I have a password {password}")
+def set_password(context, password):
+ context.password = password
+ return
+@behave.when("I try to create an user")
+def create_user(context):
+ try:
+ mainsource.create_user(context.username, context.password)
+ except mainsource.UserCreationError as exc:
+ context.last_exception = exc
+ return
+@behave.then("I should get an error of invalid password")
+def is_invalid_password(context):
+ assert hasattr(context, 'last_exception')
+ assert isinstance(context.last_exception,
+ mainsource.PasswordIsNotStrongEnough)
+ Feature: Testing passwords # features/example.feature:1
+ Scenario: Invalid password # features/example.feature:3
+ Given that I have a username foo # features/steps/example_steps.py:9 0.001s
+ And that I have a password test123 # features/steps/example_steps.py:15 0.000s
+ When I try to create an user # features/steps/example_steps.py:21 0.001s
+ Then I should get an error of invalid password # features/steps/example_steps.py:30 0.000s
+1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
+1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
+4 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
+Took 0m0.002s
+ Vantagens:
+ +