"use strict"; /* htmlslides Info and examples: https://gitlab.com/andybalaam/htmlslides Structure your HTML like this: How to Surf the Mist

How to Surf the Mist


First, breath in

Open the Developer Tools in your browser and check the Console output. If htmlslides was unable to understand your HTML, it will print error messages there. You can disable mouse-clicking by including htmlslides.js like this: */ let htmlslides = {} htmlslides.config = { "mouse_moves_pages": true }; (function() { let slide_anchors; let current_slide; let header; let sections; const KEY_PAGEUP = 33; const KEY_PAGEDOWN = 34; const KEY_END = 35; const KEY_HOME = 36; const KEY_LEFT = 37; const KEY_RIGHT = 39; function on_load() { window.addEventListener("scroll", on_scroll); document.addEventListener("keydown", on_key); document.body.addEventListener('click', on_left_click); document.body.addEventListener('contextmenu', on_right_click); header = document.getElementsByTagName("header")[0]; sections = document.getElementsByTagName("section"); slide_anchors = scan_slides(); current_slide = find_slide(slide_anchors, window.location.hash); } function is_interactive_element(element) { let tag = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); return (tag === "a" || tag === "button" || tag === "input"); } function on_left_click(event) { if (!htmlslides.config.mouse_moves_pages) { return; } if (is_interactive_element(event.target)) { return; } event.preventDefault(); return go_to_slide(current_slide + 1); } function on_right_click(event) { if (!htmlslides.config.mouse_moves_pages) { return; } if (is_interactive_element(event.target)) { return; } event.preventDefault(); return go_to_slide(current_slide - 1); } function on_key(event) { if (event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey) { return; } switch(event.keyCode) { case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_PAGEUP: event.preventDefault(); return go_to_slide(current_slide - 1); case KEY_RIGHT: case KEY_PAGEDOWN: event.preventDefault(); return go_to_slide(current_slide + 1); case KEY_HOME: event.preventDefault(); return go_to_slide(0); case KEY_END: event.preventDefault(); return go_to_last_slide(); } } function on_scroll() { if (isVisible(header)) { history.replaceState(null, null, ' '); current_slide = 0; return; } for (let section of sections) { if (isVisible(section)) { let anchor = "#" + section.id; history.replaceState(null, null, anchor); current_slide = find_slide(slide_anchors, anchor); break; } } } function isVisible(obj) { let rect = obj.getBoundingClientRect(); return (rect.top >= 0 && rect.top < window.innerHeight / 2); } function go_to_last_slide() { go_to_slide(slide_anchors.length - 1); } function go_to_slide(n) { current_slide = n; if (current_slide < 0) { current_slide = 0; } else if (current_slide >= slide_anchors.length) { current_slide = slide_anchors.length - 1; } if (current_slide === 0) { if (header) { header.scrollIntoView(); } window.scrollTo(0, 0); history.replaceState(null, null, ' '); } else { window.location.hash = slide_anchors[current_slide]; } } function find_slide(slide_anchors, anchor) { let ret = slide_anchors.indexOf(anchor); if (ret === -1) { ret = 0; } return ret; } function scan_slides() { let ret = [""]; for (let section of sections) { ret.push(find_anchor(section)); } return ret; } function find_anchor(section) { if (section.id === "") { fail("This section does not have an id='blah' attribute!:", section); } return "#" + section.id; } function fail(msg, obj) { console.error(`htmlslides error: ${msg}`); if (obj) { console.error(obj); } } window.addEventListener("load", on_load); }());