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<title>Flink</title> |
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<section data-background="_images/streamprocessing-flink.png" data-header> |
<h2 class="semi-opaque">Flink</h2> |
</section> |
</section> |
<section> |
<section> |
<pre><code> |
cat log.log | grep ERROR | cut -f2 -d: > errors.txt |
</code></pre> |
</section> |
<section> |
<h4>Entrada</h4> |
<h2><pre><code>cat log.log</code></pre></h2> |
</section> |
<section> |
<h4>Processamento</h4> |
<h2><pre><code>grep ERROR</code></pre></h2> |
<h2> |
<pre><code>cut -f2 -d:</code></pre> |
</h2> |
</section> |
<section> |
<h4>Saída</h4> |
<h2> |
<pre><code>> errors.txt</code></pre> |
</h2> |
</section> |
</section> |
<section> |
<section> |
<h4>cat</h4> |
<h3>Tem começo e fim</h3> |
<h2 class="fragment">"bounded"</h2> |
</section> |
<section> |
<h4>Dados "infinitos"</h4> |
<h2 class="fragment">"unbounded"</h2> |
</section> |
</section> |
<section> |
<section> |
<img src="_images/flink1.png" alt="" class="stretch"> |
</section> |
<section> |
<img src="_images/flink2.png" alt="" class="stretch"> |
</section> |
<section> |
<img src="_images/flink3.png" alt="" class="stretch"> |
</section> |
<section> |
<img class="stretch" src="_images/datastream.png" alt=""> |
</section> |
<section> |
<h4>Operators</h4> |
<ul> |
<li><code>map</code></li> |
<li><code>flatMap</code></li> |
<li><code>filter</code></li> |
<li><code>reduce</code></li> |
<li class="fragment"><code>split/select</code></li> |
<li class="fragment"><code>join</code></li> |
<li class="fragment"><code>keyBy</code></li> |
<li class="fragment"><code>window</code></li> |
</ul> |
</section> |
</section> |
<section> |
<section> |
<img src="_images/unclephil-time.jpg" alt="" class="stretch"> |
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<section> |
<img src="_images/unclephil-step0.png" alt="" class="stretch padding"> |
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<img src="_images/unclephil-step1.png" alt="" class="stretch padding"> |
</section> |
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<img src="_images/unclephil-step2.png" alt="" class="stretch padding"> |
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<img src="_images/unclephil-step3.png" alt="" class="stretch padding"> |
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<img src="_images/unclephil-step4.png" alt="" class="stretch padding"> |
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<img src="_images/unclephil-step5.png" alt="" class="stretch padding"> |
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<img src="_images/unclephil-step6.png" alt="" class="stretch padding"> |
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<img src="_images/unclephil-step7.png" alt="" class="stretch padding"> |
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<img src="_images/unclephil-step10.png" alt="" class="stretch padding"> |
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<img src="_images/dunno.jpg" alt="" class="stretch"> |
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<img src="_images/flink-cluster1.png" alt="" class="stretch"> |
</section> |
<section> |
<img class="stretch" src="_images/flink-cluster2.png" alt=""> |
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<img class="stretch" src="_images/flink-cluster3.png" alt=""> |
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<img class="stretch" src="_images/unclephil-flinkpipelinereal.png" alt=""> |
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