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<h1 class="semi-opaque">"Unit" em "Unit Tests"</h1> |
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<img src="_images/AYV1X0yv.png" alt="Me" style="float:left;" class="no-border"> |
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<ul> |
<li>Júlio Biason</li> |
<li><img src="_images/logo-horizontal-claro.png" alt="CWI Software" class='no-border'> |
<li>@juliobiason</li> |
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<img src="_images/start-a-fight.jpg" alt="Eu faço perguntas em reuniões que eu não sei nada e reunião explode; não é de propósito" class='stretch'/> |
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<section> |
<img src="_images/filho-do-capeta.jpg" alt="... mas hoje eu vim botar os filho dos outro no go horse." class='stretch'/> |
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<section> |
<img src="_images/tdd-where-it-went-wrong.png" alt="TDD: Where it went wrong" class="stretch"/> |
<p>Ian Cooper: <a href="">"TDD, where did it all go wrong"</a></p> |
</section> |
<section> |
<p>Apresentação de Ian Cooper ressoou muito com experiências |
feitas com TDD puro e "testes de ponta-a-ponta".</p> |
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<section> |
<section> |
<p>Mas antes...</p> |
</section> |
<section> |
<p>Quem já</p> |
<p class="fragment">falou de "testes de unidade"?</p> |
<p class="fragment">discutiu a "unidade" dos testes de unidade?</p> |
</section> |
<section> |
<img src="_images/faustao-arrow.png" alt="Errow" class="stretch"/> |
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<section> |
<img src="_images/errou-rude.png" alt="Errou rude" class="stretch"/> |
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<h1 class="fragment semi-opaque">Perguntas?</h1> |
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