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<h1>PyPoa 2014</h1> |
<p>7 de Junho de 2014</p> |
</section> |
<section data-background='_images/lightcastle-django.png'> |
<h2>Introdução ao Django Framework</h2> |
<p>Maurício Abreu Antunes</p> |
</section> |
<section data-background='_images/Celery_cross_section.jpg'> |
<h2>Python + Celery</h2> |
<p>Leonardo Korndorfer</p> |
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<h2>Web stack com Nginx + Chaussette + Circus + Flask </h2> |
<p>Leandro Nunes</p> |
</section> |
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<h2>Machine Learning com Python</h2> |
<p>Christian S. Perone</p> |
<p><small>scikit-learn</small></p> |
</section> |
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<h2>Transformando ideias em realidade com web2py</h2> |
<p>Relsi Maron</p> |
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<section data-background='_images/Aldebaran-Robotics-Nao-Screen-Wallpaper.jpg'> |
<h2>Dando vida a robôs com Python !</h2> |
<p>Guilherme Schvarcz Franco</p> |
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<section data-background='_images/python_fabric.png'> |
<h2>Introdução a Automação com Fabric</h2> |
<p>Volmar Oliveira Junior</p> |
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<h2>South, o básico para manter uma "vida saudável"</h2> |
<p>Daniel Bastos</p> |
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