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<h2 class="semi-opaque">Licenças Open Source Em 10 Minutos</h2>
<h2>O que é Open Source?</h2>
<p class="fragment">"É quando o fonte está aberto para todo mundo."</p>
<img src="_images/false.gif" class="fragment" style="float:left"/>
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<img src="_images/osi_keyhole_300X300_90ppi_0.png" class="stretch"/>
<h2><a href="">OSI Approved Licenses</a></h2>
<li class="fragment">114 licenças</li>
<li class="fragment">-17 "superseded"</li>
<li class="fragment">-11 redudantes com opções mais populares</li>
<li class="fragment">-5 aposentadas voluntariamente</li>
<li class="fragment">-14 de propósito especial (tipo fontes)</li>
<li class="fragment">= 67 licenças open source</li>
1-clause BSD License BSD-1-Clause Other/Miscellaneous
Academic Free License v. 3.0 AFL-3.0 Redundant with more popular
Adaptive Public License 1.0 APL-1.0 Other/Miscellaneous
Apache License, Version 2.0 Apache-2.0 Popular / Strong Community
Apache Software License, version 1.1 Apache-1.1 Superseded
Apple Public Source License 2.0 APSL-2.0 Non-Reusable
Artistic License (Perl) 1.0 Artistic-1.0-Perl Superseded
Artistic License 1.0 Artistic-1.0 Superseded
Artistic License 2.0 Artistic-2.0 Other/Miscellaneous
Attribution Assurance License AAL Redundant with more popular
Boost Software License 1.0 BSL-1.0 Uncategorized
BSD+Patent BSD-2-Clause-Patent Special Purpose
Cea Cnrs Inria Logiciel Libre License, version 2.1 CECILL-2.1 International
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 – Permissive CERN-OHL-P-2.0 Special Purpose
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 – Strongly Reciprocal CERN-OHL-S-2.0 Special Purpose
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 – Weakly Reciprocal CERN-OHL-W-2.0 Special Purpose
Common Development and Distribution License 1.0 CDDL-1.0 Popular / Strong Community
Common Public Attribution License Version 1.0 CPAL-1.0 Uncategorized
Common Public License Version 1.0 CPL-1.0 Superseded
Computer Associates Trusted Open Source License 1.1 CATOSL-1.1 Non-Reusable
Cryptographic Autonomy License CAL-1.0 Uncategorized
CUA Office Public License CUA-OPL-1.0 Voluntarily retired
Eclipse Public License -v 1.0 EPL-1.0 Superseded
Eclipse Public License version 2.0 EPL-2.0 Popular / Strong Community
eCos License version 2.0 eCos-2.0 Non-Reusable
Educational Community License, Version 1.0 ECL-1.0 Superseded
Educational Community License, Version 2.0 ECL-2.0 Special Purpose
Eiffel Forum License, version 1 EFL-1.0 Superseded
Eiffel Forum License, Version 2 EFL-2.0 Redundant with more popular
Entessa Public License Version. 1.0 Entessa Non-Reusable
EU DataGrid Software License EUDatagrid Non-Reusable
European Union Public License, version 1.2 EUPL-1.2 International
Fair License Fair Redundant with more popular
Frameworx License 1.0 Frameworx-1.0 Non-Reusable
GNU Affero General Public License version 3 AGPL-3.0-only Uncategorized
GNU General Public License version 2 GPL-2.0 Popular / Strong Community
GNU General Public License version 3 GPL-3.0-only Popular / Strong Community
GNU General Public License, version 1 Superseded
GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 LGPL-2.1 Popular / Strong Community
GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 LGPL-3.0-only Popular / Strong Community
GNU Library General Public License version 2 LGPL-2.0-only Popular / Strong Community
Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer HPND Redundant with more popular
IBM Public License Version 1.0 IPL-1.0 Non-Reusable
Intel Open Source License Intel Voluntarily retired
IPA Font License IPA Special Purpose
ISC License ISC Uncategorized
Jabber Open Source License Voluntarily retired
JAM License Jam Other/Miscellaneous
LaTeX Project Public License, Version 1.3c LPPL-1.3c Non-Reusable
Lawrence Berkeley National Labs BSD Variant License BSD-3-Clause-LBNL Special Purpose
Licence Libre du Québec – Permissive version 1.1 LiLiQ-P-1.1 International
Licence Libre du Québec – Réciprocité forte version 1.1 LiLiQ-Rplus-1.1 International
Licence Libre du Québec – Réciprocité version 1.1 LiLiQ-R-1.1 International
Lucent Public License Version 1.02 LPL-1.02 Redundant with more popular
Lucent Public License, Plan 9, version 1.0 LPL-1.0 Superseded
Microsoft Public License MS-PL Uncategorized
Microsoft Reciprocal License MS-RL Uncategorized
MirOS License MirOS Uncategorized
MIT No Attribution License MIT-0 Other/Miscellaneous
MITRE Collaborative Virtual Workspace License Voluntarily retired
Motosoto Open Source License Motosoto Non-Reusable
Mozilla Public License 1.1 MPL-1.1 Superseded
Mozilla Public License 2.0 MPL-2.0 Popular / Strong Community
Mozilla Public License, version 1.0 MPL-1.0 Superseded
Mulan Permissive Software License v2 MulanPSL-2.0 International
Multics License Multics Non-Reusable
NASA Open Source Agreement v1.3 NASA-1.3 Special Purpose
NAUMEN Public License Naumen Non-Reusable
Nokia Open Source License Version 1.0a NOKIA Non-Reusable
Non-Profit Open Software License version 3.0 NPOSL-3.0 Uncategorized
NTP License NTP Uncategorized
Open Group Test Suite License OGTSL Uncategorized
Open Logistics Foundation License v1.3 OLFL-1.3 Special Purpose
Open Software License 2.1 OSL-2.1 Superseded
Open Software License, version 1.0 OSL-1.0 Superseded
OpenLDAP Public License Version 2.8 OLDAP-2.8 Redundant with more popular
OSET Public License version 2.1 OSET-PL-2.1 Special Purpose
PHP License 3.0 PHP-3.0 Superseded
PHP License 3.01 PHP-3.01 Non-Reusable
Python License, Version 2 PSF-2.0 Non-Reusable
RealNetworks Public Source License Version 1.0 RPSL-1.0 Non-Reusable
Reciprocal Public License 1.5 RPL-1.5 Uncategorized
Reciprocal Public License, version 1.1 RPL-1.1 Superseded
Simple Public License SimPL-2.0 Uncategorized
Sun Industry Standards Source License SISSL Voluntarily retired
Sun Public License, Version 1.0 SPL-1.0 Non-Reusable
The 2-Clause BSD License BSD-2-Clause Popular / Strong Community
The 3-Clause BSD License BSD-3-Clause Popular / Strong Community
The CNRI portion of the multi-part Python License CNRI-Python Non-Reusable
The European Union Public License, version 1.1 EUPL-1.1 Superseded
The MIT License MIT Popular / Strong Community
The Nethack General Public License NGPL Non-Reusable
The OCLC Research Public License 2.0 License Non-Reusable
The Open Software License 3.0 OSL-3.0 Other/Miscellaneous
The PostgreSQL Licence PostgreSQL Redundant with more popular
The Q Public License Version QPL-1.0 Other/Miscellaneous
The Ricoh Source Code Public License RSCPL Non-Reusable
The Sleepycat License Sleepycat Non-Reusable
The Sybase Open Source Licence Watcom-1.0 Non-Reusable
The Universal Permissive License Version 1.0 UPL-1.0 Other/Miscellaneous
The University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License NCSA Redundant with more popular
The Unlicense Unlicense Special Purpose
The Vovida Software License v. 1.0 VSL-0.1 Non-Reusable
The W3C® SOFTWARE NOTICE AND LICENSE W3C-20150513 Non-Reusable
The wxWindows Library Licence wxWindows Non-Reusable
The X.Net, Inc. License Xnet Redundant with more popular
The zlib/libpng License Zlib Other/Miscellaneous
Unicode, Inc. License Agreement – Data Files and Software Unicode-DFS-2015 Special Purpose
Upstream Compatibility License v1.0 UCL-1.0 Special Purpose
Zero-Clause BSD 0BSD Other/Miscellaneous
Zope Public License 2.0 ZPL - 2.0 Superseded
Zope Public License 2.1 ZPL - 2.1 Redundant with more popular
<p>"Lá fora" é relacionado com patentes</p>
<p>No Brasil é sobre autoria (como em livros)</p>
<h2>"Propriedade Intelectual"</h2>
<h3 class="fragment">... depende.</h3>
<h4>BSD 0-Clause</h4>
<p>Usar o código como quiser</p>
<p class="fragment">... inclui fazer um projeto proprietário fechado.</p>
<h4>BSD 0-Clause</h4>
<p>Manter o aviso de copyright nos arquivos.</p>
<h4>BSD 3-Clause</h4>
<p>Usar o código como quiser.</p>
<h4>BSD 3-Clause</h4>
<li>Manter aviso de copyright nos arquivos.</li>
<li>Mostar o aviso de copyright no binário.</li>
<li>Não pode usar o(s) nome(s) do(s) autor(es) original(is) como propaganda.</li>
<h4>GPL 3</h4>
<li>Usar a aplicação como quiser</li>
<li>estudar como o código funciona</li>
<li>distribuir cópias do código original</li>
<li>distribuir cópias do código modificado</li>
<h4>GPL 3</h4>
<li>Manter/Mostrar o copyright</li>
<li>permitir acesso ao código na distribuição</li>
<li>manter a licença em código derivado</li>
<li>distribuir chaves de autorização (tivolization)</li>
<h2>E na vida real?</h2>
Licença: GPL3<br/>
Pode: usar o código<br/>
Tem: permitir acesso ao código junto com binário, tem
que manter copyright
Licença: BSD 3-Clause<br/>
Pode: usar o código<br/>
Tem: que manter o copyright, colocar que usa o software nas
<small class="fragment">VTK também</small>
<h2>E aquela "Propriedade Intelectual"?</h2>
<p class="fragment">Permanece com o autor da alteração.</p>
<small class="fragment">(tipo o Content Aware Filter)</small>
<h2>"Propriedade Intelectual" na prática</h2>
É possível trocar a licença de um projeto,
desde que todos os donos das propriedades intelectuais
do projeto aceitem a troca
<p>Usar o código como quiser.</p>
<li>Manter aviso de copyright nos arquivos.</li>
<li>Mostar o aviso de copyright no binário.</li>
A propriedade intelectual introduzida no
projeto passa a pertencer ao projeto.
<h3>E aquela história de "É quando o fonte está aberto para todo mundo."?</h3>
<h3>"Fonte está aberto para <u>todo mundo</u>"</h3>
<p>Licenças tratam de <strong>distribuição</strong>,
indicando que o fontes devem ser disponibilizados junto
como binário.</p>
<p class="fragment">(quem não tem acesso ao binário não
teria que ter acesso aos fontes)</p>
<h3>"Fonte está aberto para <u>todo mundo</u>"</h3>
<p class="fragment">
AGPL requer que, quem tem acesso ao resultado do
software, tem que acesso ao código fonte.
<h3>"<u>Fonte está aberto</u> para todo mundo"</h3>
<p>Só porque o fonte está disponível não significa que é
open source.</p>
<p>(Business Software License)</p>
<p>"The Licensor hereby grants you the right to copy,
modify, create derivative works, redistribute, and make
non-production use of the Licensed Work.""
Effective on the Change Date, or the fourth anniversary of
the first publicly available distribution of a specific
version of the Licensed Work under this License, whichever
comes first, the Licensor hereby grants you rights under the
terms of the Change License, and the rights granted in the
paragraph above terminate.
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