A fork of the Zola theme "Terminimal".
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Paweł Romanowski ad05c77442 Attempt to fix Travis CI, yet again 6 years ago
content First public release 6 years ago
sass First public release 6 years ago
screenshot First public release 6 years ago
static/fonts First public release 6 years ago
templates First public release 6 years ago
.gitignore First public release 6 years ago
.travis.yml Attempt to fix Travis CI, yet again 6 years ago
LICENSE-Hack.md First public release 6 years ago
LICENSE.md First public release 6 years ago
README.md Fix README wording 6 years ago
config.toml First public release 6 years ago
theme.toml Fix github links 6 years ago



No JavaScript


Fork (not a port) of "Terminal" Hugo theme by Radosław Kozieł (aka. panr): https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-terminal

Many thanks for that outstanding original theme, Radek!

Changes compared to the original theme

  • Slight changes in the layout and styling.

    • Content has been centered (instead of left-aligned).
    • The header stripes have been spaced out.
    • Tweaks to pagination, especially on mobile (small screens).
    • The post title underline is now dashed instead of doubly-dotted.
    • All links are underscored, as per Brutalist Web Design Guidelines.
    • Tweaks to header font sizes.
    • Minor footer tweaks.
  • Absolutely no JavaScript.

    • No JavaScript needed to pre-process anything. Zola with it's Sass pre-processor is the only dependency.
    • There's no menu trigger.
    • Things load crazy fast, as it's all static content.
    • Prism.js syntax highlighting is not supported (you can use Zola's).
  • All references to social media (e.g. Twitter, OpenGraph) have been removed.

  • All references to external URLs (e.g. Google CDN) have been removed. This theme's static assets are meant to be served from where it's hosted.

  • Hack is the default font.

  • The default color theme is blue (original uses orange).

New features

  • You can pick the accent color as well as background color. There's a new dark background. See Configuration below for details.
  • Active "section" links will change color indicating the active section. This is all static, done at template level.

Features retained from the original

  • 5 color themes, depending on your preference: blue (default), green, orange, pink, red.
  • The shortcodes image and figure (See Shortcodes).
  • Fully responsive.

How to start

Option A: clone the theme directly into your Zola site folder:

$ git clone https://github.com/pawroman/zola-theme-terminimal.git themes/terminimal

Option B: also include it as a git submodule (it's better if you plan to use CI builders):

$ git submodule add https://github.com/pawroman/zola-theme-terminimal.git themes/terminal

Then in your config.toml set:

theme = "terminimal"

# Sass compilation is required
compile_sass = true

Also see the Zola documentation on using themes: https://www.getzola.org/documentation/themes/installing-and-using-themes/


The theme adds two custom shortcodes related to image handling.


Used to show images.

Required arguments:

  • src

Optional arguments:

  • alt
  • position (center [default] | left | right)
  • style


{{ image(src="/img/hello.png", alt="Hello Friend",
         position="left", style="border-radius: 8px;") }}


Same as image, but with a few extra optional arguments:

  • caption
  • caption_position (center [default] | left | right)
  • caption_style


{{ figure(src="http://rustacean.net/assets/rustacean-flat-gesture.png",
          style="width: 25%;",
          caption="Ferris, the (unofficial) Rust mascot",
          caption_style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;") }}



Both the accent colors and background colors are configurable.

By default, both accent and background are set to blue.

To configure menu, add this in [extra] section of your config.toml:


# One of: blue, green, orange, pink, red.
# Defaults to blue. 
accent_color = "green"

# One of: blue, dark, green, orange, pink, red.
# Enabling dark background will also modify primary font color
# to be darker.
# Defaults to accent color (or, if not accent color specified, to blue). 
background_color = "dark"

You can set the "logo" text and what it links to, by modifying config.toml like so:


# The logo text - defaults to "Terminimal theme"
logo_text = "My blog"

# The logo link - defaults to base_url.
logo_home_link = "/take/me/away!"

You can set the footer's copyright author name like this:


# Author name: when specified, modifies the default
# copyright text. Apart from author, it will
# contain current year and a link to the theme.
author = "My Name"

If you don't like the default copyright text, you can set it to completely custom HTML:


# Copyright text in HTML format. If specified,
# entirely replaces default copyright and author.
copyright_html = "My custom&nbsp;<b>copyright</b>"


The menu is optional, static (all items are always shown, no matter what the screen size) and fully user-configurable.

To configure menu, add this in [extra] section of your config.toml:


# menu is enabled by adding menu_items (optional)
menu_items = [
    # each of these is optional, name and url are required
    {name = "blog", url = "/"},
    # tags should only be enabled if you have "tags" taxonomy
    # see documentation below for more details
    {name = "tags", url = "/tags"},
    {name = "archive", url = "/archive"},
    {name = "about me", url = "/about"},
    # set newtab to true to make the link open in new tab
    {name = "github", url = "url-to-your-github", newtab = true},


The theme optionally supports tags. To enable them, create a "tags" taxonomy in your config.toml:

taxonomies = [
    {name = "tags"},

Enabling tags will create a new /tags page, and cause them to show up in archive section. Note that you still need to create a menu link to the tags page manually.


Pagination is fully supported for post list (main site) and intra-post (you can navigate to earlier and later posts).

To make sure pagination works properly, you must first configure it in content/_index.md:

# number of pages to paginate by
paginate_by = 2

# sorting order for pagination
sort_by = "date"

Then, tweak the theme's pagination config in config.toml:


# Whether to show links to earlier and later posts
# on each post page (defaults to true).
enable_post_view_navigation = true

# The text shown at the bottom of a post,
# before earlier/later post links.
# Defaults to "Thanks for reading! Read other posts?"
post_view_navigation_prompt = "Read more"

Language code

Internationalization / translation is not supported but you can set the HTML language code for your site:

default_language = "en"

Hack font subset

By default, the theme uses a subset of the Hack font.

This results in much smaller transfer sizes, but might not contain all the Unicode characters you need.

You can enable full unicode support in config.toml:


# Use full Hack character set, not just a subset.
# Switch this to true if you need full unicode support.
# Defaults to false.
use_full_hack_font = false

Also see Hack's docs.

All the configuration options are also described in config.toml.


Each of the templates defines named blocks, so it should be quite easy to customize the most common things.

For example, if you want to add extra <meta> tags to the base template, index.html, create file like this in templates/index.html:

{% extends "terminimal/templates/index.html" %}

{% block extra_head %}
    <meta name="description" content="My awesome website"/>
    <meta name="keywords" content="Hacking,Programming,Ranting"/>
{% endblock %}

How to contribute

If you spot any bugs or wish to contribute new features, please create a new Pull Request.


Copyright © 2019 Paweł Romanowski (pawroman)

Original theme: Copyright © 2019 Radosław Kozieł (@panr)

The theme is released under the MIT License. Check the license file for more information.

The license for Hack fonts used is included in LICENSE-Hack.md.