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Initial copy

Julio Biason 4 months ago
  1. 7
      Kanban Pages/
  2. 2
      Kanban Pages/
  3. 44
      Kanban Pages/V&
  4. 3
      Kanban Pages/Windows Native
  5. 81
      Kanban Pages/Work
  6. 27

Kanban Pages/

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Generate differs in 10 and 100 runs
- [x] New "new" format
- [x] Init must check if both files are the same; if so, new format; if not, new new format.
- [x] `Validation` needs pairs of files (Generated/Reference); assume `short` is always present, long is optional
- [x] "update" can read the Validation directly
- [x] If the generated file doesn't exist in the long run, ask again
- [x] In "init", update the reference (this should be done inside `Generator`)

Kanban Pages/

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Geometries Source

Kanban Pages/V&

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# Docker Container
`docker build . -t vv:latest`
`docker run -it -v $PWD:/collection -v $HOME/Projects/HELYXcore-dev/:/core vv:latest /bin/bash`
- Collections: `/collections`
- Core: `/core`
`vv init --collection_path=/collection/`
## Error 1
`CommandSequence.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'mode'`
Found out that CommandSequence doesn't have a "mode" parameter, but all the configurations in vv-collection have it in their commands.
Fix was to add the property, although it's clear things are now broken
## Error 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/vv", line 8, in <module>
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/vv/", line 261, in main
function(args.path, args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/vv/", line 110, in main
for_all_cases(cwd, run_case,
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/vv/", line 639, in for_all_cases
case_settings_dict = create_cases_dict(cwd, cmdline_args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/vv/", line 614, in create_cases_dict
case_settings_dict[case] = initialize_case(general_settings,
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/vv/", line 579, in initialize_case
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/vv/", line 189, in get_general_settings_parameters
get_general_settings_parameters(item, general_settings)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/vv/", line 189, in get_general_settings_parameters
get_general_settings_parameters(item, general_settings)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/vv/", line 193, in get_general_settings_parameters
yaml_dict[key] = _replace_general_settings_parameter(
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/vv/", line 163, in _replace_general_settings_parameter
if not parameter in general_settings.parameters.parameters:
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'parameters'

Kanban Pages/Windows Native

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
`#define` not working properly on CL, put on hold while QA stuff is priority

Kanban Pages/Work

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
kanban-plugin: board
## Backlog
- [ ] Document QA development status
- [ ] Doxygen -> Confluence ^y6ec6w
(DO-1162, CF-120)
- [ ] Create Docker images on Distribution
- [ ] Move Timing Into the new KB (Gitlab+MKdocs)
#jenkins #timing
- [ ] Figure out a way to produce builds ready for using AWS Images (x86/ARM)
- [ ] Document troubleshoot with customers, specially compilation
- [ ] (Study) How to create a Slurm cluster from scratch?
- [ ] (Study) How SCL works (Redhat Centos)
- [ ] Verify Yaml should name the blocks, so we can easily report it back without having to change every time a new section appears
- [ ] Expand both runs at the start, so the .run-Xsteps are fixed, always
## Working
- [ ] Create V&V pipeline
- [ ] Copy Geometries to QA run
## Blocked
- [ ] Jenkins Pipeline to update cases/examples references
> Waiting for the new master to be put in use
- [ ] Native Windows Build, looking at Caelus-CML
[[Windows Native Compilation]]
- [ ] Python Testing Pipeline
> The pipeline is ready, but the script is broken
## Done
- [ ] Confluence: Describe page format, with the special `\page` links to split a page from Core to Docs
- [ ] Document the QA pipeline
- [ ] Add trigger in the QA pipeline
- [ ] Verify is destroying controlDict in a new case
- [ ] "brakeDiskTempInDegC" failing with COMPARER_ERROR #helyxVerify
- [ ] MD5 panics
> `src/init/`
> postProcessing/wallShearStress/0/wallShearStress.dat
> src/entities/validation/md5comparison/
- [ ] HelyxVerify long run don't have the same files as short run
(e.g., `FO/10/` in short run and `FO/100/functionObject.tsv` in the long run)
[[HelyxVerify#Generate differs in 10 and 100 runs]]
%% kanban:settings


@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#GUI Meeting:
- Working on multi-instance; Paolo said it is done (the idea).
- RC4 tomorrow
- (I have a weird feeling that, if I wasn't there, the GUI would all be speaking Italian :D)
- License server GUI merging all the views.]
- Looks like even the GUI runs things in different timesteps
- I find this weird, 'cause I had the feeling that this was a core thingy, while the GUI would only listen to the updates from the core.
- Solutions are being discussed, which is something I only see in Core meetings when Eugene is in it.
#CaseManager meeting:
- Case Variation
- Multiple cases
- New tool -> For our customers? In the box? WEB INTERFACE.
- Connects to the GUI via server.
- GUI only know how to run one case each time.
- Compare different versions
- Optimization (guess it is the same as above)
- Does it have an interface? YES, web.
- Internal and external.
- Open controlDict/caseSetupDict and finds all variables.
- Configurable variables are defined in the dicts, and then extracted by the GUI/WEB.
- Make HELYX cases parametric (gui, needs to be written somewhere)
- "Multi Instance Interface [GP]"
- 'Run Scheduler'
- DB for comparison
- Web interface