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title = "Things I Learnt The Hard Way - Always Use A Version Control System"
date = 2019-07-08
tags = ["en-au", "books", "things i learnt", "source control", "vcs", "git"]
"This is my stupid application that I just want to learn something" is not
even a good excuse to not use a version control system.
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A very long time ago, using a source control system (or Version Control
System) required installing a server, configuring it properly, installing the
client and _then_ you could keep track of the changes you were doing on your
Today there are lots of options that can work in a standalone fashion: Just
install the client and you're done (well, mostly done, you still need to
initialize the environment, but that is mostly straightforward these days).
And, again, there is no good reason to not start a project, as simple as it
will be, without a version control.
The VCS will allow you to explore new changes without breaking the main code.
It will allow you to save a half-way change to make a complete different
And, in the long, since you'll end up with working in team and will be
required to use a VCS, you'll be used to using one.
{{ chapters(prev_chapter_link="/books/things-i-learnt/languages-docs", prev_chapter_title="Good Languages Come With Integrated Documentation", next_chapter_link="/books/things-i-learnt/one-change-commit", next_chapter_title="One Commit Per Change") }}