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title = "The 7 Secrets of Exceptional Leadership - Brian Tracy"
date = 2020-05-24
tags = ["books", "reviews", "leadership", "brian tracy", "0 stars"]
[GoodReads Summary](
In The Seven Secrets of Exceptional Leadership Brian describes the most
important leadership qualities practiced by top leaders worldwide. By
committing yourself to these seven "secrets" of exceptional leadership, you
can achieve all your goals as a leader in every area of your life.
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{{ stars(stars=0) }}
Ok, I have to say that this book rubbed me in all the wrong ways.
First, more pictures than content. I mean, if I want to have a book about
boats, I'd get a book about boats, not about leadership.
Second, the rules are somewhat weird. "A leader must know themselves" I can
get behind, specially because one would have to know their own weaknesses to
lead people. "Know what they want"... why? A leader may lead people to make
things they (leader) don't even fully agree, but know it must be done. Just
knowing what you want (even couple with the other points) doesn't make you a
leader -- heck, it doesn't even _fit_ the description of a leader.
This was a book that I picked up and dropped next day 'cause fuck confusing
"being a boss" with "being a leader" -- and those two are completelly
different aspects.