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title = "Thing I Learnt The Hard Way (in 30 Years of Software Development)"
date = 2019-06-10
tags = ["en-au", "programming", "work"]
This is a cynical, clinical collection of things I learnt in 30 years working
with sofware development.
Again, some things are really cynical, others are long observations on
different jobs.
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## Software Development
### Spec first, then code
If you don't what you're trying to solve, you don't know what to code.
Write something specifying how the application works before writing any code.
"Without requirements or design, programming is the art of adding bugs to an
empty text file." -- Louis Srygley
Sometimes, even an "elevator pitch" -- up to two paragraphs that describe what
the application does -- is enough.
The times I stood longer looking at my own code wondering what to do next were
when we didn't have the next step defined. It is a good sign that it's time to
stop and discuss it with your coworkers -- or maybe rethink the solution.
### Write steps as comments
If you have no idea how to start, describe the flow of the application in high
level, pure English/your language first. Then fill the spaces between comments
with the code.
Better yet: think of every comment as a function, then write the function that
does exactly that.
### Gherkin is your friend to understand expectations
Gherkin is a test description format which points "Given that the system is in
a certain state, When something happens, then this is expected". Even if
you don't use any testing tool that reads Gherkin, it will give you a good
understanding of what it is expected from the app.
### Unit tests are good, integration tests are gooder
On my current job, we do test modules and classes only (for example, we write
tests for the view layer only). It gives us some idea if things are going right
or not, but they lack a view of how the whole is going on -- a thing
integration tests, which tests how the system as a whole behaves -- do better.
### Tests make better APIs
We code in layers: There is the storage layer, which should make our data
permanent; there is a processing layer, which should do some transformation on
the data stored; there is a view layer, which has information on how the data
must be present; and so on.
As I mentioned, integration tests feel better, but testing layers by themselves
can give you a better view on how their API looks like. Then you can have a
better look on how to call things: Is the API too complex? Do you have to keep
to much data around to be able to make a single call?
### Good languages come with integrated tests
You can be sure that if a language brings a testing framework -- even minimal
-- in its standard library, the ecosystem around it will have better tests
than a language that doesn't carry a testing framework, no matter how good the
external testing frameworks for the language are.
### Future thinking is future trashing
When developers try to solve a problem, they sometimes try to find a way that
will solve all the problems, including the ones that may appear in the future.
But here is the thing: The problems from the future will never come and you'll
end up either having to maintain a huge behemot of code that will never be
fully used or you'll end up rewriting the whole thing 'cause there is a shitton
of unused stuff.
Solve the problem you have right now. Then solve the next one. And the next
one. At one point, you'll realize there is a pattern emerging from those
solutions and _then_ you'll find your "solve everything".
### Documentation is a love letter to your future self
We all know writing the damn docs for functions and classes and modules is a
pain in the backside. But realizing what you were thinking when you wrote the
function will save your butt in the future.
### The function documentation is its contract
When you start the code by writing the documentation, you're actually making a
contract (probably with your future self): I'm saying this function does _this_
and _this_ is what it does.
If later you find out that the code doesn't match the documentation, you have a
code problem, not a documentation problem.
### If a function description includes an "and", it's wrong
Functions should do one thing and one thing only. When you're writing the
function documentation and find that you added an "and", it means the function
is doing more than one thing. Break that function into two and remove the
### Good languages come with integration documentation
If the langauge comes with its own way of documentating
functions/classes/modules/whatever and it comes even with the simplest doc
generator, you can be sure that all the language
functions/classes/modules/libraries/frameworks will have a good documentation
(not great, but at least good).
Languages that do not have integrated documentation will, most of the time,
have a bad documentation.
### A language is much more than a language
A programming language is that thing that you write and make things "go". But
it has much more beyond special words: It has a build system, it has a
dependency control system, it has a way of making tools/libraries/frameworks
interact, it has a community, it has a way of dealing with people.
Don't pick languages just 'cause they easier to use.
### Sometimes, it's better to let the application crash than do nothing
Although that sounds weird, it's better to not add any error handling than
silently capturing errors and doing nothing.
A sadly common pattern in Java is
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
This does nothing to deal with the exception -- besides printing it, that is.
If you don't know how to handle it, let it happen,so you can figure out _when_
it will happen.
### If you know how to handle the issue, handle
Counter-point to the previous point: If you know when something will raise an
exception/error/result and you know how to handle it, handle it. Show an error
message, try to save the data somewhere else, capture the user input in a log
file to later processing, but _handle_ it.
### Types say what you data means
Memory is just a sequence of bytes; bytes are just numbers from 0 to 255; what
those numbers mean is described on the language type system.
For example, in C, a `char` type of value 65 is most probably the letter "A",
which an `int` of value is 65 is the number 65.
Remember this when dealing with your data.
This is what most people get wrong about adding booleans to check the number
of True values. Here, let me show you an example of JavaScript that I saw
console.log(true+true === 2);
> true
console.log(true === 1);
> false
### Understand and stay way of cargo cult
"Cargo cult" is the idea that, if someone else did, so can we. Most of the
time, cargo cult is simply an "easy way out" of a problem: Why would we think
about how to properly store our users if X did that?
"If BigCompany stores data like this, so can we".
"If BigCompany is behind this, this is good."
### "Right tool for the job" is just to push an agenda
"Right tool for the job" should be an expression that meant that there is a
right and a wrong tool to do something -- e.g., using a certain
language/framework instead of the current language/framework.
But every time I heard someone mention it, they were trying to push their
favourite language/framework instead of, say, the right language/framework.
### "The right tool" is more obvious than you think
Maybe you're in a project that needs to process some text. Maybe you're
tempted to say "Let's use Perl" 'cause you know that Perl is very strong in
processing text.
What you're missing: You're working on a C shop. Everybody knows C, not Perl.
Sure, if it is a small, "on the corner" kind of project, it's fine to be in
Perl; if it is important for the company, it's better that if it is a C
PS: Your hero project (more about it later in this doc) may fail due this.
### Data flows beat patterns
(This is personal opinion) When you understand how the data must flow in your
code, you'll end up with better code than if you applied a bunch of design
### Design patterns are used to describe solutions, not to find them
(Again, personal opinion) Most of the time I saw design patterns being
applied, they were applied as a way to find a solution, so you end up twisting
a solution -- and, sometimes, the problem it self -- to fit the pattern.
First, solve your problem; find a good solution; then you can check the
patterns to know how you name that solution.
I saw this happens _a lot_: We have this problem; a design pattern gets close
to the proper solution; let's use the design pattern; now we need to add a lot
of things around the proper solution to make it fit the pattern.
### Cognitive Dissonance is the readability killer
"Cognitive dissonance" is a fancy way of saying "I need to remember two (or
more) different things at the same time to understand this."
For example, adding booleans to count the number of True values is a mild
cognitive dissonance; if you're reading a piece of code and see a `sum()`
function, which you know makes the sum of all numbers in a list, you'd expect
the list to be composed of numbers, but I've seen people using `sum()` to
count number of True values in a list of booleans, which is confusing as heck.
### The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two
"The magical number" is a psychology article about the number of things one
can keep in their mind at the same time.
If you have a function, that calls a function, that calls a function, that
calls a function, that calls a function, that calls function, you may be sure
it will be a hell to read later.
Think more about: I'll get the result of this function, then pass it to the
second function, get its result, pass to the third an so on.
1. Today, psychologists talk more about the magical number FOUR, not seven.
2. Think function composition (as in "I'll call that function, then that
function, then that function..."), not function calling (as in "That
function will call that function, that will call that function...").
### Shortcuts are nice, but only in the short run
A lot of languages/libraries/frameworks add a way to make things shorter,
reducing the number of things you need to type.
But, later, that will bite you and you'll have to remove the shortcut and do
the long things.
So learn what the shortcut does before using it.
You don't need to write things the hard way first and then clean up using the
shortcuts: All you need to do is what the shortcut does in the background, so
you at least have knowledge of what can go wrong using it, or how to replace
it with the non-shortcut version.
### Resist the temptation of "easy"
Sure that IDE will help you with a ton of autocomplete stuff and let you
easily build your project, but do you understand what's going on?
Do you understand how your build system works? If you had to run it without
the IDE, would you know how?
Can you remember your function names without autocomplete? Isn't there a way
to break/rename things to make them easier to understand?
Be curious about what goes behind the curtains.
### Start stupid
One way to get away from the IDE is to "start stupid": Just get the compiler
and get an editor (ANY editor) with code highlight and do your thing: Code,
build it, run it.
No, it's not easy. But when you jump into some IDE, you'll think of buttons of
simply "Yeah, it runs that" (which is exactly what IDEs do, by the way.)
### Logs are for events, not user interface
For a long time, I used logs to show the user whatever was happening --
'cause, you know, it's a lot easier to use a single thing instead of two.
Use the standard output to inform the user of events, standard err to inform
the user about errors but use logs to capture something that you can later
process easily.
Think about logs of something you'll have to parse to extract some information
at that time, not user interface; it doesn't have to be human-readable.
### Always use a Version Control System
"This is my stupid application that I just want to learn something" is not
even a good excuse to not use a version control system.
If you start using a VCS right from the start, it will be easier to roll back
when you do something stupid.
### One commit per change
I've seen people writing commit messages like "Fixes issues #1, #2 and #3".
Unless all those issues are duplicates -- in which two of those should be
already closed -- they should be 3 commits, not one.
Try to keep a change in a single commit (and by change I don't mean "one file
change"; if a change requires changes in three files, you should commit those
three files together. Think "if I revert this back, what must go away?")
### "git add -p" is your friend when you overchange
(Git topic only) Git allows merging a file partially with "-p". This allows
you to pick only the related changes and leave the other behind -- probably
for a new commit.
### Learn to monitor
On a previous life, to understand how a system behaved, I added a ton of
metrics: how fast things were going in, how fast things were going out, how
many things were in the middle, how many the job processed...
It gives a really good view of how a system is behaving. Is the speed going
down? If it is, I can check what is going into the system to understand why. Is
it normal going down at some point?
Thing is, after this, it is really weird trying to figure out how "healthy" a
system without any monitoring is after that. Checking a system health with just
"Is it answering requests" doesn't fly anymore.
Adding monitoring early will help you understand how your system behaves.
### The config file is friend
Imagine you wrote a function that you have to pass a value for it to start
processing (say, a twitter user account id). But then you have to do that with
two values and you just call the function again with the other value.
It makes more sense to use a config file and just run the application twice
with two different config files.
### Command line options are weird, but helpful
If you move things to config files, you could also help your users by adding
an option to select the config file and expose it.
There are libraries to handling command line options for every language today,
which will help you into building a good command line and giving your users a
standard interface for everything.
### Not just function composition, but application composition
Unix came with the idea of "applications that do one thing and do it well".
Now, I said you could use one application with two config files, but what if
you need the result of both applications?
That's when you can write an application that reads the results of the first
one with both config files) and turn into a single result.
### Even for app composition, start stupid
Application composition may lead to microservices -- which is good -- but
microservices require some ideas about how applications "talk" between them
over the wire (protocols and such).
You don't need to start with that. Both applications can write and read from
files, which is way easier.
Worry about talking over the wire later, when you understand how networks
## On a Team/Work
### Code reviews are not for style
Take your time on code reviews to point architectural or design problems, not
code style problems. Nobody really likes the person whose code reviews are only
"you left blanks in this line" or "missing space before parenthesis" and such.
Now, if you _do_ find architectural or design problems, _then_ you can add your
code style problems.
### Code formatting tools are ok, but they are no silver bullet
One thing a team may be tempted to do to avoid discussing style in code reviews
is to use a code formatting tool to auto-format code before commiting.
Now yeah, that kinda solves the problem, but there is one small problem:
we, humans, are not as flexibile to read code as computers are; what is
readable by a computer may not be readable by a human. Surely they try to
create some heristics on what is good for human reading, but that doesn't mean
it gets right.
If you _do_ use a code formatting tool, use it to find out where it changes the
code the most; you probably need to simplify that part of the code to avoid it
messing so much.
### Code style: Follow it
If your project have a defined code style, you must follow it. Sometimes it
may not be clear ("this struct/class should be singular or plural"?), but do
your best to follow it.
### ... unless that code style is the Google Code style
(Totally personal opinion, feel free to disagree) Every freaking time Google
comes with their own coding style, it's a garbage fire. The community came
with a better style way before and Google seem to come with a style with high
contrasting parts just to call it theirs.
### There is only one coding style for C/C++: K&R
(Totally personal opinion again) Every other coding style is _WRONG_. :)
### There is only one coding style for Python: PEP8
The community (most of it) writes code in PEP8. Follow it and your code
smoothly integrate with the rest of the ecosystem.
### Explicit is better than implicit
You know what's one of the worst function names ever? `sleep()`.
Sleep for how long? It is seconds or milliseconds?
Be explicit with what you use; `sleepForSecs` and `sleepForMs` are not
perfect, but are better than `sleep`.
(Think about this when you're writing your app command line interface or its
config file.)
(I could throw the whole "Zen of Python" here, but I'm trying to focus on
personal, direct experience.)
### Companies look for specialists but keep generalists longer
If you know a lot about one single language, it may make it easier to get a
job, but in the long run, language usage dies and you'll need to find
something else. Knowing a bit about a lot of other languages helps in the long
run, not to mention that may help you think of better solutions.
"A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming, is not
worth knowing." -- Alan Perlis
For a long time, I kept a simple programming rule: The language I'm playing at
home should not be the same language I'm using at work. This allowed me to
learn new things that later I applied in the work codebase
### Think of the users
Think how the data you're collecting from your users will be used -- this is
more prevalent on these days, where "privacy" is a premium.
If you capture any used data, remember to protect it against unauthorized use.
### The best secure way to deal with user data is not to capture it
You can be sure that, at some point, the data will leak, either by some
security flaw or human interference.
If you don't capture any user data -- or store it in anonymized way -- you
won't have any problems.
### Keep a record of "stupid errors that took me more than 1 hour to solve"
I tried but never managed to create a list of stupid errors I kept finding
that took more than 1 hour to solve it, which were simply "forgot to add
dependency" or "add annotation", mostly because there was more than once that
I kept fighting some stupid error for more than 1 hour.
But you should try to keep a list of stupid errors that took you 1 hour to
solve, 'cause later you can use it to not stay more than 1 hour to solve some
stupid error.
## Personal
### When it's time to stop, it's time to stop
Learn when you can't code anymore. Learn when you can't process things anymore.
Don't push beyond that, it will just make things worse in the future.
I tried to keep coding once when I had a migraine (not strong, but not mild).
Next day, when I was better, I had to rewrite most of the stuff I did, 'cause
it was all shit.
### Code of conduct protect _you_, not _them_
When you're beginning with any language/library/framework, check their CoC;
they will protect _you_ from being harassed for not immediately getting what
is going on instead of blocking you from telling them what you think.
I'm mentioning this 'cause a lot of people complain about CoC, but they
forget that they allow them to join in any project without being called
"freaking noob" or "just go read the docs before annoying us".
Also, remember that most people that are against CoCs are the ones that want
to be able to call names on everyone.
### Learn to say no
Sometimes, you'll have to say no: No, I can't do it; no, it can't be made in
this time; no, I don't feel capable of doing this; no, I don't feel
comfortable writing this.
Once I had to say to our CTO: "Ok, I'll do it, but I want to note that I don't
agree with what we are doing." In the end, the app was barred exactly because
the thing we were doing.
### You're responsible for the use of your code
This is hard. Very very hard. It's the difference between "freedom" and
There is nothing wrong in writing, for example, a software to capture people's
faces and detect their ethnicity, but you have to think about what that will
be used on.
### You'll learn about yourself the hard way
We get frustrated with code that doesn't compile. We get angry with costumers
asking things back and forth.
And we lash out on other when that happens.
And that will get you in trouble.
It happens.
### People get pissed/annoyed about code/architecture because they care
You'll find yourself in the other side of the coin: You'll describe some
solution and people will seem annoyed/pissed about some solution.
When people care about a product/code, they do that.
"Yeah, you don't like that hushed solution 'cause you care" was one of the
nicest things someone told about myself.
### Learn from your troubles
You'll get annoyed, pissed, frustrated, and angry. You'll get you in trouble.
You'll see people getting in trouble because of this kind of stuff.
You must learn about it. Don't ignore it.
One thing I learnt the hard way was that I get really aggressive when I'm
frustrated. Now, when I notice I start to get frustrated, I ask help from
someone else. It's really therapeutic to see that someone else also struggles
with your problem, and that's not just you.
### Pay attention on how people react to you
I have a "angry man resting face" kind of face.
Sometimes I'll ask things and people will move a bit back -- like I'm telling
them their solution is wrong.
That's when I have to add "I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just confused".
That _may_ help you to not get in trouble.
### Learn to recognize toxic people; stay away from them
You'll find people that, even if they don't small talk you, they will bad
mouth everything else -- even some other people -- openly.
Stay away from those people.
You have no idea how that kind of attitude will drive you down.
### Beware of micro-aggressions
"Micro-aggressions" are aggressive comments in small doses. Like someone that
keeps calling you "_that_ person" or seemingly innocuous comments about your
position in some policy.
Those are hard to fight, 'cause PR won't listen to you saying that they are
attacking you. Also, they are hard to detect, 'cause they seem small enough,
but they do pile up and you'll blow your anger all at once.
Better just stay away and avoid contact as possible.
### No, I don't think they are "fixable"
(Personal opinion) Someone could say "Hey, maybe if you spoke to that person,
they would stop".
Personally, I don't think they would. This kind of stuff is going for so long
to them that it feels natural and, most of the time, you're the wrong one (for
not seeing that they are joking, for example, in true "Schrödinger's asshole"
### Toxic/migro-aggressors are only fixable if they are _YOU_
Unless it's you realizing you're acting like a toxic person or micro-attacking
someone, and realize that you're actually doing more harm than good being that
way, there is no way to fix those traits (again, personal opinion).
...mostly 'cause hearing from someone else may feel "_they_ are the ones
against me!" to them.
### Hero Projects: You'll have to do it someday
An "hero project" is a project/spec change/framework that you personally think
will solve a group of problems in your project. It could be a different
architecture, a new framework or even a new language.
That means you'll spent your free time to write something that is already
being worked/exists just to prove a point.
Sometimes it proves you where wrong.
(But you got something from it, nonetheless.)
### Don't confuse "hero project" with "hero syndrome"
I have seen this at least two times: Someone claims things don't work when
they aren't around or that they don't need help.
This is "hero syndrome", the idea that that person is the only one capable of
solving all the problems.
Don't be that person.
### Paper notes are actually helpful
I tried to become "paperless" many times. At some point, I did keep the papers
away, but in the very end, it really do help to have a small notebook and a
pen right next to you write that damn URL you need to send the data.
### Trello is cool and all, but Postits are nicer
Nothing says "I'm really busy, but organized" like having a bunch of post its
on your desk.
### Blogging about your stupid solution is still better than being quiet
You may feel "I'm not start enough to talk about this" or "This must be so
stupid I shouldn't talk about it".
Create a blog. Post about your stupid solutions. They are still smarter than
someone else's solution.
Also, come back later and fight your own solutions with better ones.
Show your growth.
On top of that, they help you keep small notes or things you need to do.
### Post your stupid solution online
Don't keep a Github only for those "cool, almost perfect" projects. You're
free to show that, at some point, you were a beginner.
You can always come back and improve your code.
(Or don't: I still have a public repo of my first Python project that looks
like I just translated Java into Python, without the Pythonic part.)
### Keep a list of "Things I Don't Know"
Richard Feymann, famous physicist, kept a notebook with the title "Things I
Don't Know".
When you find something that seems cool and you'd like to know more, create a
file/note/whatever with it in the title. Then make notes about what you
find/figure out.