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title = "Employees Gone Wild: Crazy (and True!) Stories of Office Misbehavior, and What You Can Learn From the Mistakes of Others - Richard Burton"
date = 2020-01-26
tags = ["books", "reviews", "fun", "richard burton"]
[GoodReads Summary](
Richard Burton has tales you won’t believe actually happened over his decades
spent as the attorney hired by companies to protect them when their employees
act out. Employees Gone Wild collects some of the most outrageous and
absolutely-true stories (names changed to protect the guilty of course) from
Burton’s years on the job, along with his indispensable practical advice on
how companies and the people that work for them can avoid the same pitfalls.
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{{ stars(stars=3) }}
Strange office stories happen everywhere, being passed along from generation
to generation of new employees by old sages.
And this book captures the stories of one of those sages.
Some of the stories are funny, some are really weird, but all of them have
some points in case you get caught in a similar situation, by someone who has
some ideas about labor law and works for HR (the author mentions that he is,
actually, a labor lawyer, but since there is a disclaimer that you shouldn't
take the suggestions as facts, I'm downplaying the position a bit). This means
that every freaky story have some pointers on what one shouldn't do and what
management should do in case something like that should happen.
The last chapter is a downer, though. Instead of funny/freaky, the stories are
mostly discrimination and the tone gets really serious -- with reason.
Still, it's kinda interesting seeing that your office is not the only weird