title = "Things I Learnt The Hard Way - Toxic/Aggressive People Are Not Fixable"
date = 2019-07-23
tags = ["books", "things i learnt", "personal", "microaggressions", "toxic people"]
You may think "But I could go to those people and say 'Why are you being
toxic?' or 'Why are you attacking me?' or even just tell them it's not nice to
say such things. It would help."
I don't believe that's the case.
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In the case of toxic people, they just want to see the place burn so they can
be the hero that saves the day. Microaggressors just want to make your feel
down 'cause so they could feel superior to you.
And I don't think they can be easily fixable. That's their modus operandi and
they will keep doing it so 'cause that's the only way they can see to
"improve" themselves -- even if there is no real improvement, they are just
letting everything down so they seem better than the others.
On the other hand, if you keep [paying attention to the way people react to
you](/books/things-i-learnt/watch-reactions), you may notice that you may be
doing this to others. And now the ball is in your park: Do you want to be a
better person or not?
{{ chapters(prev_chapter_link="/books/things-i-learnt/microaggressions", prev_chapter_title="Beware of Microaggressions", next_chapter_link="/books/things-i-learnt/quit", next_chapter_title="Realize When It's Time To Quit") }}