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title = "Commented Link: Google slams Microsoft for trying 'to break the way the open web works'"
date = 2021-03-24
tags = ["links", "google", "microsoft", "news"]
Weird are the times when Google, trying to break the web, [accuses Microsoft of
doing it so](
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Ok, let's put this in perspective:
- During years already, Google positioned itself as the source of ads in the
internet, in the way that the only way one can make real money putting ads on
their side was using Google. This basically killed all small ad companies (and
I won't even put here that Google bought DoubleClick, which was the largest ad
company at the time);
- Now that everybody basically *needs* to use AdSense (by Google), Google
decided to put small blurbs on searches;
- Because the blurbs, [less than 50% searches result in people actually going to
the site](;
- As for now, you can see that Google positioned itself as the only source of
ads and killed the needs to access the site (which would provide ad revenue for
- Bothered by this, news corporations decided that enough is enough (they know
internet is the way now, paper is a very small part of revenue now and ads are
needed) and said "If you want to use the blurbs, you need to pay";
- Google, being Google, said no;
- News corporations went to the Australian governement, which realized the
switcheroo Google was doing and sided with the news corporations and said
"News corp have a point, and you should pay for using the content they
- Google, being Google, said no.
- Google, not only being Google itself, also said "If you won't let us post
blurbs without paying and force us to actually make people go to their
websites, which would make us give money to them, then we are taking our ball
and going home".
And that's, ladies and gentlemen, is when Microsoft jumped in. By siding with
the news corporations and saying "Hey, if Google Search won't work more in
Australia, you can be sure Bing will work". And that's when Google, being
Google, said "You're trying to break the open web!"
Give me a fucking break, Google. You broke the open web *years* ago and now is
calling everyone else what you did. And I don't mean this as a supporter of
Microsoft -- which I'm not --, a supporter of the Australian government -- which
I'm not -- or a supporter of big news corporations -- which, guess what, I'm
The sooner Google disappears from the internet, the better for everyone else.