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title = "Links for 2020-03-06: Async Rust, Leadership, Firefox removing old cookies, X-Windows, Linux distributions, PC cases"
date = 2020-03-06
tags = ["links", "rust", "async", "leadership", "firefox", "cookies", "linux", "distros", "pc", "case"]
Interesting things going on the internet, 2020-03-06.
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# [async/await on embedded Rust](
Not production ready yet, but the guys from Ferrous Systems are working on a
way to embbed async/await on embedded systems. While this may sound strange
("What? But Rust doesn't support async/await already?"), the fact is that most
async/await runtimes use Glibc functions and do not work without it. They even
have a [repository]( with
some code.
This is huge.
# [Taking someone aside](
Some tips on how to talk to someone when you want them to stop doing
# [Purge site data when site identified via old tracking cookies](
This is a direct link to a Firefox "bug" (actually, a feature) for removing
cookies older than 30 days if you don't interact with the site in 30 days.
"My logins!", you may be thinking. But this will also remove any tracking site
as long as you don't interact with the site anymore (goodbye Google tracking
sites, if you use DuckDuckGo, ProtonMail,, and so on).
# [The X-Windows Disaster](
This is a piece of hate on XWindows -- you know, the thing that first was
XFree86, then turned to, then was completely scratched and is slowly
being replaced by Wayland.
But the curious part is not the hate, but the fact that it tells the story
behind X-Windows, how it came to be and how it works -- and the steps people
made to make it actually work.
# [Try Linux](
Not using Linux yet? Wondering which the myriad of distributions you should
use? Not really getting into that distribution that you Linux-fan friend
This page has a list of distributions and their knowledge required.
Even if you already use Linux, you may pick something more "advanced", just to
explore new things.
# [The beautiful machine](
I'm not running desktops anymore, but _heck_ if that isn't a pretty case!