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title = "Learning ECMAScript 6 - Narayan Prusty"
date = 2016-02-18
updated = 2021-02-12
tags = ["books", "narayan prusty", "reviews", "javascript", "web development",
"it", "stars:2", "published:2015"]
[GoodReads Summary](
About This Book Learn a powerful approach to writing object-oriented
JavaScript code using ES6 Create and use ES6 modules to learn to write smart,
modularized JavaScript code The book will take you step-by-step through a wide
array of examples, giving you tips on how to make the best use of the latest
ES6 features Who This Book Is For
<!-- more -->
{{ stars(stars=2) }}
ECMAScript 6 is the new JavaScript, and I'm just saying this in case you're
wondering why one would read this book.
There are a few niceties in JavaScript 6 that would make lives easier. I read
the book looking for those niceties. And it does its job. Poorly.
Thing is, the first examples are good (not great, good), and then it seems
there are some components the author didn't really quite grasped -- like
proxies -- and threw examples of things without them. In the case of proxies,
the author created proxies that replicate the normal behaviour of objects and
after reading it, you'll keep wondering *why* you should use them, as they do
nothing different from the default.
Also, broken English. I'll be the first saying that I'm not the most
impressive writer in the English language, but hell, some sentences really
hurt. "we will be comparing" is one of those cases. And you'll find plenty of
them. Plenty of "that is", plenty "therefore" and things like that just make
the text tiring to read -- and it's not even a long read, just about 200
It's a book that may give you some insights about what's new in JavaScript,
but falls short delivering its message.