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title = "Swan Song - Robert R. McCammon"
date = 2020-11-18
updated = 2021-02-12
tags = ["books", "reviews", "fiction", "books:2020", "stars:3",
[GoodReads Summary](
Swan is a nine-year-old Idaho girl following her struggling mother from one
trailer park to the next when she receives visions of doom—something far wider
than the narrow scope of her own beleaguered life. In a blinding flash, nuclear
bombs annihilate civilization, leaving only a few buried survivors to crawl
onto a scorched landscape that was once America.
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{{ stars(stars=3) }}
I'm a sucker for disaster movies, so it could be that a disaster book (would
also pick my attention. And it did, in a way.
There is this huge disaster of nuclear bombs falling over US and Russia, and a
few survivors have to take care of themselves. All set for a good story, but
things get in the way of it.
For example, the girl in the title (and summary): It could be interesting to
explore how someone so young would be a survivor in a place completely
destroyed, but she shows some special powers that are never explained -- and
no, it was not the radiation from the bombs, a là Marvel super-heroes.
There is the bag lady in a quest that may be the only story that really fits
the context: A survivor of the streets, now trying to survive in the rumble of
And there is the plot from the people who got shelter in a made-up bunker,
which should be used only for recreation purposes ("This is how you'd live if
this was a real bunker and there was a nuclear strike outside") that got caught
in the middle, which should be a good exploration, but end up being the story
that could be ripped out of the whole with very little loss. And sadly, that's
not just this plot that gets unnecessary stuff: Fights that lead to nowhere,
longs explanation of clothing people are wearing that affect absolutely nothing
in the whole and on and on.
On top of that, there is a [MacGuffin
device]( floating around that is never
explained how it works, how it came to be, it's used once, in a test, providing
a complete game changer which is never used again after that.
So you end up with an unexplained phenomena (actually, more than one, as the
story progressed), something interesting and a bunch of completely unnecessary
stuff. I read somewhere that there were talks to make the book a movie, which
would be hard for a 900+ book, but if you consider the amount of stuff that
doesn't add anything, sure, it fits fine in an around-two-hours movie.