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title = "Learning Ionic - Build real-time and hybrid mobile applications with Ionic - Arvind Ravulavaru"
date = 2016-02-04
category = "review"
tags = ["books", "en-au", "arvind ravulavaru"]
{{ stars(stars=4) }}
I must say, I was really surprised by this book. Not only it goes a great length to explain things about Angular (the base for Ionic), but builds <b>two</b> applications from start to end, connects to other services and also explains how to publish your application.
But (and there is always a "but") I felt some things lacking. For example, the author says that he prefers to use grunt instead of the default ionic tool, but after that, he *only* uses the ionic tool; there are some things wrong with the book (why I already submitted as an errata for it); there is very little mention on how to deal with different rotations; and the gravest problem of all, in my opinion: There are absolutely no tests. At all. Not even a mention on how to test your Ionic app.
Other that those problems (which are really minor, related to the amount of information), it is really a good book to start working with Ionic apps.