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title = "Redshirts - John Scalzi"
date = 2015-01-28
category = "review"
tags = ["books", "en-au", "john scalzi"]
{{ stars(stars=5) }}
There are two simple words to describe this book: Galaxy Quest.
And then, they aren't.
"It's complicated", are some characters in the book say over and over again.
But the first part is. And it's too damn hilarious -- if you're a Star Trek fan, that is. Or some of the lesser sci-fi series.
But the story picks up every absurd psedo-science and plot twist from the series and extrapolates to the silliest level possible. I can't remember the last time a book made me laugh.
It's silly. It's funny. It's the Galaxy Quest for every sci-fi series in the planet.
And, then, after the curtains close... It goes into a deep, touching story about... life, basically. You think you're done, but then it gets deeper and serious and... touching, basically.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. And my reading statuses for this book proves it.