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title = "Changing Planes: Stories - Ursula K. Le Guin"
date = 2018-03-13
tags = ["books", "ursula k. le guin", "reviews", "scifi", "4 stars"]
[GoodReads Summary](
Sita Dulip has missed her flight. But instead of listening to garbled
announcements in the airport, she has found a method of bypassing the crowds
at the desks, the long lines at the toilets, the nasty lunch, the whimpering
children and punitive parents, the bookless bookstores, and the blue plastic
chairs bolted to the floor.
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{{ stars(stars=4) }}
This was the first book of Ursula that I've read, even if I'm used to read
Scifi from Asimov, Clark and Heinlein. But Ursula is a complete different
style from those.
"Changing Planes" can be described as "she took her dreams and turned into
stories". It's a story of several "planes" of existence, each with its own
history, its own culture and its own people. Each is different from the other
in almost non-overlapping fashion.
At first it's kinda weird and uninteresting -- till you realize how much
creativity one has to have to come up with several different different planets
and their history.