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Merge branch 'release/20191230'

master 20191230
Julio Biason 5 years ago
  1. 31
  2. 31


@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
title = "Ad Astra - Jack Campbell"
date = 2019-12-28
tags = ["books", "reviews", "scifi"]
[GoodReads Summary](
In Jack Campbell’s New York Times bestselling Lost Fleet series, Campbell’s
hero Captain Black Jack Geary explores the furthest reaches of space. Here,
Campbell explores what kinds of problems mankind might face as our horizons
expand. The third in a series of collections of Campbell’s short stories
includes some of Campbell’s favorite stories, and some of his earliest. A
brand new author’s note accompanies each story.
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{{ stars(stars=5) }}
While short stories may not give a general sense of the whole -- 'cause they
are, after all, short -- the stories here are very interesting, and very good
Honestly, it's really hard to give some indication of how the stories go
without going into spoilers.
But, again, there are very good stories, some even touching, some discussing
social issues (without being "in your face", like any good Star Trek episode).
And the narration is pretty good too. Easy to read, easy to keep going.


@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
title = "Mastering Docker - Russ McKendrick"
date = 2019-12-21
tags = ["books", "reviews", "docker", "packt", "russ mckendrick", "it"]
[GoodReads Summary](
Experience first- and third-party tools such as Docker Compose, Docker
Machine, Portainer, and Rancher Learn how to leverage Kubernetes, Amazon ECS,
and Docker Swarm and know when each solution is appropriate Discover how
Docker can be integrated into your daily workflows.
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{{ stars(stars=1) }}
How does one "master" docker when there is not a single word about layers?
How does one "master" docker when you have "sudo apt update && sudo apt
install -y git" with a description of "so it doesn't have to wait for one
process to end to start the other"?
This is another book coming from a book farm where people write about things
they don't know properly. This is another book coming from a book farm where
reviewers seem picked in the basis of "does not know enough about the subject
to not make a fuss so we can publish it as soon as possible".
If you want to learn about docker, stay away from this book. It will do more
harm than good.