+++ title = "Things I Learnt The Hard Way - You'll Learn About Yourself The Hard Way" date = 2019-07-19 [taxonomies] tags = ["en-au", "books", "things i learnt", "personal", "burn out"] +++ We get frustrated with code that doesn't compile. We get angry with customers asking things back and forth. We get upset when upper management can't make up its mind. And we lash out on others when that happens. Unfortunately, that's the way you'll learn about yourself. You'll learn to figure out when you get frustrated. You'll learn how you can keep getting attacked by others -- even micro-aggressions -- but, without realizing, at some point you'll suddenly burst into an counter-attack that may seem out of proportion. The worst part of it all? Very few people will tell you what you're doing before it's too late -- you'll get in trouble way before you could actually understand what you were doing. {{ chapters(prev_chapter_link="/books/things-i-learnt/not-done", prev_chapter_title="Don't Tell It's Done When It's Not") }}