+++ title = "Things I Learnt The Hard Way - The Right Tool Is More Obvious Than You Think" date = 2019-06-25 [taxonomies] tags = ["books", "things i learnt", "right tool"] +++ Maybe you're in a project that needs to process some text. Maybe you're tempted to say "Let's use Perl" 'cause you know that Perl is very strong in processing text. But that may still be not the right tool. Although Perl is an amazing tool to process files, providing every single switch and option you'll ever need, you're missing something: You're working on a C shop. Everybody knows C, not Perl. Sure, if it is a small, "on the corner" kind of project, it's fine to be in Perl; if it is important for the company, it's better that if it is a C project. One of the reason your hero project may fail is because of this: You may even prove that what you thought it was a better solution is actually a better solution, but it can't be applied 'cause nobody else can maintain it. {{ chapters(prev_chapter_link="/books/things-i-learnt/right-tool-agenda", prev_chapter_title="Right Tool For The Job Is Just To Push An Agenda", next_chapter_link="/books/things-i-learnt/code-reviews-style", next_chapter_title="Code Reviews Are Not For Style") }}