+++ title = "The Drawing of the Three (The Dark Tower, #2) - Stephen King" date = 2017-08-20 [taxonomies] tags = ["books", "stephen king", "reviews", "the dark tower", "fantasy"] +++ [GoodReads Summary](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5094.The_Drawing_of_the_Three): While pursuing his quest for the Dark Tower through a world that is a nightmarishly distorted mirror image of our own, Roland, the last gunslinger, encounters three mysterious doorways on the beach. Each one enters into the life of a different person living in contemporary New York. {{ stars(stars=5) }} While _The Gunslinger_ where more of "the movie that started the series" (as I put in the previous book review), this feels more like a complete book. Way less backstories, a lot more straight stories. The series is still in the build up: Instead of talking directly about the tower, the book is more about the companions Roland get in the way to the tower (kinda like Jake in the previous book). Still, compared to the previous book in the series, this one feel a lot more "complete" and centered around itself.