+++ title = "Will Eisner's the Spirit: Who Killed the Spirit? - Matt Wagner" date = 2017-09-04 [taxonomies] tags = ["books", "matt wagner", "comics", "reviews"] +++ [GoodReads Summary](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31170820-will-eisner-s-the-spirit): To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Will Eisner's most iconic character, Dynamite Entertainment proudly assembled the creative dream team of Eisner Award-winning author Matt Wagner, artist Dan Schkade, and colorist Brennan Wagner to honor the legend with an all-new adventure! {{ stars(stars=2) }} In my teens, I got two Spirit books on a sale. I absolutely loved the story and the lines. It was my first experience with adult comics: Color only when really needed, deep story without a good vs evil (well, it was, but it was not all black and white), excellent drawing... This is not it. This is nothing like the original Spirit. This is a sad rip off.