Commented Links for 2020-07-26
Datomic Internals, Developer Advice, Racism@Google, Logging, Code To Delete, Being a Product Manager, Syntax Highlight, Rust Module System.
Datomic Internals, Developer Advice, Racism@Google, Logging, Code To Delete, Being a Product Manager, Syntax Highlight, Rust Module System.
GoodReads Summary: Authors Simon St. Laurent and J. David Eisenberg show you how to write simple Elixir programs by teaching you one skill at a time. You'll learn about pattern matching, recursion, message passing, process-oriented programming, and establishing pathways for data rather than telling it where to go. By the end of your journey, you'll understand why Elixir is ideal for concurrency and resilience.
There are several ways to not kill developer productivity in a project. Unfortunately, the real causes are never discussed.
Building Executables Unix Way, Really Used Data Structures and Algorithms, Zig Foundation, Rust on Linux, Bad AI, Git Ignore, What is CI and CD.
Erlang by Example, Accessibility, Good StackOverflow Answers, Testing, Flexbox, HTTP Server in C, Icecream Affecting Cars.
Reddit and LinkedIn Apps Capturing iOS Clipboard, Python Library for Pretty Terminal Apps, Zola Workflow, Modern Pascal, Bash Test Framework, Dependency Manager for Python, C Quirks.
GoodReads Summary: When companies develop a new technology, do they ask how it might affect the people who will actually use it? That, more or less, sums up Brian David Johnson's duties as Intel's futurist-in-residence. In this fascinating book, Johnson provides a collection of science fiction prototyping stories that attempt to answer the question.
Rust Async and Tide, Github Redesign, Apple Declining Web APIs, Fira Font, Runbooks, Zig Async.
Google Lawsuit for Ignoring Incognito Mode, Chrome Exploit in the Wild, Benchmarking HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.0, Creating Tables in C++, Understanding Emacs, Open Source Licenses, Builder Pattern in Rust, Why Leave Medium.
SIGSEGV, ActivityPub Conf, Git Branch Names, Rust Ecosystem, Learning Rust with CLI, Design Problems, SCP.