Things I Learnt The Hard Way - Blogging About Your Stupid Solution Is Still Better Than Being Quiet

You may feel "I'm not start enough to talk about this" or "This must be so stupid I shouldn't talk about it". Don't.


Things I Learnt The Hard Way - ... Unless That Code Style Is The Google Code Style

An "hero project" is a project/spec change that you personally think will solve a group of problems in your project. It could be a different architecture, a new framework or even a new language.


Things I Learnt The Hard Way - Don't Confuse Hero Project With Hero Syndrome

Someone that suffers from Hero Syndrome will claim that things won't work unless they are carefully watching over everything.


Things I Learnt The Hard Way - Create Libraries

I've tried to go paperless many, many times. But keeping a notepad and a bunch of post its in my desk has been one of the most helpful tools I ever got.


Things I Learnt The Hard Way - Blogging About Your Stupid Solution Is Still Better Than Being Quiet

You may think "This project is so small and so focused on whatever I needed, I should never post it on Github. What would people think?" Github is not for that.


Things I Learnt The Hard Way - Toxic/Aggressive People Are Not Fixable

Instead of taking the blows and keep moving, maybe it would be better to your own health to simply quit.


Things I Learnt The Hard Way - I.T. World Is Really Small

We have two expressions here: "The world turns around"; it means whatever you do, sometime in the future, you'll face the consequences of it. Another expression is "The world of something is an egg"; because the world turns around, if the world is an egg, you'll face the consequences sooner than you think.


Things I Learnt The Hard Way - Keep A List of Things I Don't Know

Richard Feymann, famous physicist, kept a notebook with the title "Things I Don't Know".


Things I Learnt The Hard Way - Toxic/Aggressive People Are Not Fixable

You may think "But I could go to those people and say 'Why are you being toxic?' or 'Why are you attacking me?' or even just tell them it's not nice to say such things. It would help."

I don't believe that's the case.


Things I Learnt The Hard Way - Beware of Microaggressions

Microaggressions are defined as "brief, everyday exchanges that send denigrating messages to certain individuals because of their group membership". The hardest part is that they don't sound aggressive.