+++ title = "About Me" date = 2018-11-28 [taxonomies] tags = ["meta", "myself", "about me"] +++ In case it wasn't clear by the URL, this is the blog of **Julio Biason**. I'm a software developer/engineer/architect for about 30 years -- which doesn't mean I know everything about software development/engineering/architecture, but I do try. You can contact me over `julio "dot" biason "at" pm "dot" me`, just convert the things in quotes to their symbol and remove the spaces -- and all that just because I want to make the life of spammers harder, and sorry about making _your_ life harder, but still... You can see my random thoughts on [Functional Cafe](https://functional.cafe/@juliobiason). I do have a Twitter account, but I'm not updating it as often as I do on Functional Cafe. I do not have a Facebook account -- not anymore.