+++ title = "How to Make Mistakes in Python - Mike Pirnat" date = 2017-01-01 category = "review" [taxonomies] tags = ["books", "en-au", "mike pirnat"] +++ {{ stars(stars=3) }} For anyone that works with Python for some time, most of the content of this book is "Hahaha, yeah, I did that too. The good old bad times." And, surely enough, you can't hold yourself nodding when the author mentions that you shouldn't do that. I felt it lacked a bit of "this is the right way of doing it", like Uncle Bob did with _Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship_, where he picks a code and starts refactoring till it gets "correct". Most of the time, it's a bunch of code (sometimes, invalid code, but that's minor) and then a simple "don't do that".