+++ title = "Neil deGrasse Tyson" weight = 110 [taxonomies] tags = ["quotes", "neil degrasse tyson", "life", "past", "future", "education", "thinking", "criticism"] +++ > "Life is fragile We live 80 years. But we’re dead after 8 weeks without > food, 8 days without water, 8 minutes without air." > "There are more stars in the universe than all the sounds and words ever > uttered by all humans who have ever lived." > "The urge to want some bit of information to be true often clouds our > ability to assess why that information may be false." > "We are prisoners of the present, in perpetual transition from an > inaccessible past to an unknowable future." > "We spend more time forcing students to learn than we do motivating them to > learn in the first place." > "If pundits tells you something is true, and you don't have the critical > thinking skills to evaluate their statements, then you are putty in their > hands, as they shape your world view to their will."