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<a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;"><h1>Julio Biason .Me 4.3</h1></a>
<p class="lead">Old school dev living in a 2.0 dev world</p>
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<h1 class="post-title">Commented Links for 2020-07-12</h1>
<span class="post-date">
<a href="">#links</a>
<a href="">#erlang</a>
<a href="">#accessibility</a>
<a href="">#stackoverflow</a>
<a href="">#tests</a>
<a href="">#flexbox</a>
<a href="">#http</a>
<a href="">#server</a>
<a href="">#c</a>
<p>Erlang by Example, Accessibility, Good StackOverflow Answers, Testing,
Flexbox, HTTP Server in C, Icecream Affecting Cars.</p>
<span id="continue-reading"></span><h2 id="erlang-otp-by-example"><a href="">Erlang/OTP by Example</a></h2>
<p>Erlang is one of the languages in my &quot;to learn&quot; list and having a &quot;by example&quot;
site really helps -- at least, it helps me a lot with Rust.</p>
<h2 id="the-6-most-common-accessibility-problems-and-how-to-fix-them"><a href="">The 6 Most Common Accessibility Problems (and How to Fix Them)</a></h2>
<p>Accessibility is always import. And knowing that there is something akin to
OWASP (common web application insecurities) that puts a list of common
problems is always good. And, on top of that, having a list of easy to fix
problems is even better.</p>
<h2 id="parsing-city-of-origin-destination-city-from-a-string"><a href="">Parsing city of origin / destination city from a string</a></h2>
<p>Although the answer is quite long and not &quot;Just use X&quot;, this is the kind of
answer StackOverflow should aim for: Even if the question seems absurd, there
is a long explanation on how to do it, every step and problems on every step,
till the point of &quot;it's not that simple&quot;.</p>
<h2 id="against-testing"><a href="">against testing</a></h2>
<p>Someone took my words about testing and took it waaaay too far.</p>
<p>Sure, testing everything feels wrong, but you can see things are wrong when
someone says &quot;Tests are very brittle, breaking due to entirely innocuous
changes in the code&quot;. Here is the problem: You're a fucking moron if that
happens; you're testing the <em>implementation</em> not the <em>behavior</em>. So sure, it
will be brittle 'cause you wrote the whole thing wrong.</p>
<p>That is one of the points I really don't like the so called &quot;unit test&quot; -- as
in &quot;testing every function&quot;. Behaviour is not contained in a function, but it
appears when functions interact. That's why integration tests feel more
&quot;right&quot; to me: We ignore how things were implemented and focus on how the
system should behave.</p>
<p>So yeah, testing is wrong and you may dislike it, specially when you writing
it wrong in the first place.</p>
<h2 id="coping-with-flexbox"><a href="">Coping with flexbox</a></h2>
<p>Flexbox is in all rage these days in web development, mostly 'cause it fix the
damn &quot;Center this vertically and horizontally&quot;. And this kind of explanation,
going through the basics, is always welcome.</p>
<h2 id="httpserver-h-single-header-library-for-writing-non-blocking-http-servers-in-c"><a href="">httpserver.h: Single header library for writing non-blocking HTTP servers in C</a></h2>
<p>One of the weird things about C is that there is a lot you can do with it,
including a single file for building a whole HTTP server.</p>
<h2 id="my-car-does-not-start-when-i-buy-vanilla-ice-cream-said-a-man-to-general-motors"><a href="">&quot;My Car does not start when I buy Vanilla Ice Cream&quot;, said a Man to General Motors.</a></h2>
<p>I'm a sucked for this kind of story: Things don't work because some weird
random, seemingly unrelated event.</p>
<p>It reminds me of the story &quot;My password doesn't work when I'm standing up&quot;.</p>