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Julio Biason c58acd083c Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
a-hope Tagging 4 years ago
abraham-lincoln Tagging 4 years ago
aeschylus Tagging 4 years ago
aesop Aesop quote 4 years ago
alan-kay Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
alan-moore Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
alan-perlis Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
alan-watts Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
albert-einstein Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
albert-schweitzer Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
aldous-huxley Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
alex-s-vitale Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
alexander-pope Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
alexandre-dumas Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
ambrose-bierce Tagging 4 years ago
anatole-france Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
andre-gide Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
andrew-s-tanenbaum Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
ann-landers Ann Landers quote 4 years ago
anne-frank Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
anne-herbert Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
antoine-de-saint-exupery Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
aristotle Henry Kissinger quote 4 years ago
arthur-c-clarke Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
arthur-clough Tagging 4 years ago
arthur-miller Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
auric-goldfinger Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
b-l-whorf Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
baba-ram-dass Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
banksy Tagging 4 years ago
benjamin-disraeli Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
benjamin-franklin Benjamin Franklin quote 4 years ago
bertolt-brecht Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
bertrand-russell Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
bette-midler Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
bill-nye Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
brendan-francis Brendan Francis quote 4 years ago
brian-kernighan Brian Kernighan quote 4 years ago
brooker-t-washington Tagging 4 years ago
bruce-schneier Tagging 4 years ago
bullwinkle-moose Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
cal-keegan Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
calvin-coolidge Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
carl-jung Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
carl-sagan Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
charles-degaulle Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
charles-schulz Charles Schulz quote 4 years ago
chief-joseph Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
christa-mcauliffe Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
christopher-lascl Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
clara-barton Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
confucius Confucius quote 4 years ago
cornelia-otis-skinner Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
crazy-nigel Crazy Nigel quote 4 years ago
dalai-lama Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
darrell-huff Darrell Huff quote 4 years ago
darrell-royal Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
dave-barry Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
dave-cock Dave Cock quote 4 years ago
dave-haynie Dave Haynie quote 4 years ago
david-ellis David Ellis quote 4 years ago
democritus Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
derek-bok Tagging 4 years ago
descartes Tagging 4 years ago
dion-fortune Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
dom-helder-camara Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
donald-j-atwood Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
donald-kaul Tagging 4 years ago
dr-who Dr Who quote 4 years ago
earl-wilson Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
edgar-a-shoaff Tagging 4 years ago
edsger-w-dijkstra Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
elbert-hubbard Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
emma-goldman Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
eric-hoffer Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
erwin-tomash Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
eugene-ionesco Eugene Ionesco quote 4 years ago
euripides Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
f-h-bradley F H Bradley quote 4 years ago
f-scott-fitzgerald Tagging 4 years ago
finlay-peter-dunne Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
florida-scott-maxwell Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
frances-rodman Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
francis-bacon Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
frank-herbert Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
franklin-p-jones Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
frederick-dunn Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
g-k-chesterton Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
gabriel-iglesias Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
gail-godwin Gail Godwin quote 4 years ago
galileo-galilei Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
georg-lichtenberg Georg Lichtenberg quote 4 years ago
george-bernard-shaw Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
george-carlin Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
george-f-baer Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
george-santayana Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
george-wald Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
gerrit-blaauw Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
giordano-bruno Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
gloria-steinem Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
goethe Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
grace-hopper Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
grace-murray-hopper Tagging 4 years ago
groucho-marx Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
h-h-williams Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
h-l-mencken Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
hal-hickman Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
havelock-ellis Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
helen-rowland Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
henrik-ibsen Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
henry-adams Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
henry-allen Henry Allen quote 4 years ago
henry-david-thoreau Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
henry-j-kaiser Henry J Kaiser quote 4 years ago
henry-kissinger Henry Kissinger quote 4 years ago
henry-miller Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
heraclitus Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
horace Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
howard-zinn Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
hunter-s-thompson Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
iain-m-banks Iain M Banks quote 4 years ago
ijeoma-oluo Tagging 4 years ago
irving-howe Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
isaac-asimov Isaac Asimov quote 4 years ago
j-b-white Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
jacinda-ardern Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
james-dean Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
james-h-boren Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
james-joyce Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
james-may Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
jean-cocteau Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
jerry-ogdin Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
jim-warner Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
john-carmack Tagging 4 years ago
john-f-kennedy Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
john-florio John Florio quote 4 years ago
john-galsworthy Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
john-green Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
john-heywood Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
john-keats Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
john-lennon Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
john-stuart-mill Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
joseph-addison Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
joseph-conrad Joseph Conrad quote 4 years ago
joseph-heller Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
joseph-joubert Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
josh-billings Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
julia-child Tagging 4 years ago
julius-lester Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
karl-lehenbauer Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
kenneth-e-reed Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
kim-hubbard Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
kushwant-singh Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
lady-m-w-montagu Lady M W Montagu quote 4 years ago
landor Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
lao-tzu Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
lenny-bruce Lenny Bruce quote 4 years ago
leo-kessler Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
leo-laporte Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
leo-tolstoy Tagging 4 years ago
lewis-carroll Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
lily-tomlin Tagging 4 years ago
lucius-annaeus-seneca Seneca quote 4 years ago
mae-west Mae West quote 4 years ago
maharbal Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
mahatma-gandhi Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
marcus-tulius-cicero Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
mark-twain Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
marlo-thomas Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
martin-luther Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
martin-luther-king-jr Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
matthew-arnold Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
michele-gelfand Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
mike-odell Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
mike-smith Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
millor-fernandes Tagging 4 years ago
moliere Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
monty-python Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
morris-cohen Morris Cohen quote 4 years ago
mortimer-adler Tagging 4 years ago
muhammad-ali Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
napoleon Tagging 4 years ago
nathaniel-howe Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
neil-degrasse-tyson Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
niels-bohr Neils Bohr quote 4 years ago
nikolai-kingsley Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
noam-chomsky Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
norman-douglas Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
ogden-nash Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
oscar-wilde Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
pablo-picasso Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
paul-shepard Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
phathotep Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
philip-k-dick Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
plutarch Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
publilius-syrus Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
publius-ovidius-naso Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
publius-terentius-afer Publius Terentius Afer quote 4 years ago
r-e-shay Tagging 4 years ago
ralph-nader Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
randall-munroe Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
random Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
randy-kunkee Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
rene-descartes Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
rich-hall Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
richard-bach Tagging 4 years ago
richard-diran Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
richard-rohr Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
robert-barron Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
robert-benchley Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
robert-frost Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
robert-heinlein Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
robert-hendrickson Tagging 4 years ago
roger-babson Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
ron-mcafee Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
roy-santoro Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
ruth-hurmence-green Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
salvador-dali Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
samuel-johnson Samuel Johnson quote 4 years ago
stanislaw-lec Stanislaw Lec quote 4 years ago
stanislaw-lem Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
star-trek Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
steve-jobs Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
steve-wozniak Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
steven-wright Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
stirling-moss Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
strange-de-jim Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
telsa-gwynne Fixed weight 4 years ago
theodore-sturgeon Fixed weight 4 years ago
thomas-edison Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
thomas-j-kopp Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
thomas-jefferson Thomas Jefferson quote 4 years ago
titus-lucretius-carus Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
titus-maccius-plautus Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
tom-robbins Fixed weight 4 years ago
tommy-manville Fixed weight 4 years ago
ursula-k-leguin Ursula LeGuin quote 4 years ago
vint-cerf Tagging 4 years ago
virginia-allan Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
voltaire Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
w-somerset-maugham Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
walter-dwight Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
washlesky Washlesky quote 4 years ago
wernher-von-braun Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
wilhelm-reich Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
will-rogers Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
william-blake Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago
william-gibson William Gibson quote 4 years ago
william-gilbert Tagging 4 years ago
william-shakespeare William Shakespeare quote 4 years ago
wilson-mizner Wilson Mizner quote 4 years ago
winston-churchill Churchill quote 4 years ago
woody-allen Squashed commit of the following: 4 years ago Pushing quotes into the blog 4 years ago