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<a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;"><h1>Julio Biason .Me 4.3</h1></a>
<p class="lead">Old school dev living in a 2.0 dev world</p>
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<h1 class="post-title">Things I Learnt The Hard Way - Good Languages Come With Tests</h1>
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<a href="">#programming languages</a>
<a href="">#tests</a>
<p>You can be sure that if a language brings a testing framework -- even minimal
-- in its standard library, the ecosystem around it will have better tests
than a language that doesn't carry a testing framework, no matter how good the
external testing frameworks for the language are.</p>
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<p>The reason is kinda obvious on this one: When the language itself brings a
testing framework, it reduces the friction for people to start writing tests,
and that includes the authors of the language itself and the community.</p>
<p>Sure, better frameworks may come along, and languages that don't have a
testing framework in their standard library may have options with better
support and easier access but, again, when they are there from the start, the
start is better and the final result is better.</p>
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&lt;&lt; <a href="&#x2F;books&#x2F;things-i-learnt&#x2F;tests-in-the-command-line">Make Tests That You Know How To Run On The Command Line</a>
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<a href="&#x2F;books&#x2F;things-i-learnt&#x2F;document-it">Documentation Is A Love Letter To Your Future Self</a> &gt;&gt;