My own configuration files
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135 lines
4.4 KiB

# Configuration for zellij.
# In order to troubleshoot your configuration try using the following command:
# `zellij setup --check`
# It should show current config locations and features that are enabled.
unbind: true
- action: [SwitchToMode: Tmux,]
key: [Ctrl: 'a',]
- action: [MoveFocus: Down, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [Alt: Down, ]
- action: [MoveFocus: Up, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [Alt: Up, ]
- action: [MoveFocus: Left, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [Alt: Left, ]
- action: [MoveFocus: Right, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [Alt: Right, ]
- action: [Write: [1,], SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [ Char: 'a', Ctrl: 'a']
- action: [ToggleFocusFullscreen, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [Char: 'z',]
- action: [SwitchToMode: Scroll, ScrollUp,]
key: [PageUp, ]
- action: [NewTab: , SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [Char: "\n", Char: 'c']
- action: [GoToPreviousTab, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [ Char: 'p']
- action: [GoToNextTab, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [ Char: 'n']
- action: [NewPane: Down, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [Char: '-',]
- action: [NewPane: Right, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [Char: '\',]
- action: [SwitchToMode: Normal, ]
key: [Esc,]
- action: [MoveFocus: Down, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [Down, Alt: Down, ]
- action: [MoveFocus: Up, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [Up, Alt: Up, ]
- action: [MoveFocus: Left, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [Left, Alt: Left, ]
- action: [MoveFocus: Right, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [Right, Alt: Right, ]
- action: [GoToTab: 1, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [ Char: '1',]
- action: [GoToTab: 2, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [ Char: '2',]
- action: [GoToTab: 3, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [ Char: '3',]
- action: [GoToTab: 4, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [ Char: '4',]
- action: [GoToTab: 5, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [ Char: '5',]
- action: [GoToTab: 6, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [ Char: '6',]
- action: [GoToTab: 7, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [ Char: '7',]
- action: [GoToTab: 8, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [ Char: '8',]
- action: [GoToTab: 9, SwitchToMode: Normal,]
key: [ Char: '9',]
- action: [SwitchToMode: Normal, ]
key: [Esc, Char: 'q', ]
- action: [ScrollDown,]
key: [Char: 'j', Down,]
- action: [ScrollUp,]
key: [Char: 'k', Up,]
- action: [PageScrollDown,]
key: [Ctrl: 'f', PageDown, Right, Char: 'l',]
- action: [PageScrollUp,]
key: [Ctrl: 'b', PageUp, Left, Char: 'h',]
# Toggle between having pane frames around the panes
pane_frames: false
# Choose the theme that is specified in the themes section.
# For some examples, see:
# theme: tokyo-night
# Toggle enabling the mouse mode.
mouse_mode: true
# Configure the scroll back buffer size
scroll_buffer_size: 40000
# Path to the default editor to use to edit pane scrollbuffer
# scrollback_editor: /usr/bin/nano
default_layout: compact
simplified_ui: true
theme: tokyo-night
# molokai-dark:
# bg: [27, 29, 30]
# red: [255, 0, 0]
# green: [0, 140, 0]
# yellow: [255, 255, 0]
# blue: [102, 217, 239]
# magenta: [174, 129, 255]
# orange: [253, 151, 31]
# fg: [248, 248, 240]
# cyan: [0, 255, 255]
# black: [0, 0, 0]
# white: [255, 255, 255]
fg: [216, 222, 233] #D8DEE9
bg: [46, 52, 64] #2E3440
black: [59, 66, 82] #3B4252
red: [191, 97, 106] #BF616A
green: [163, 190, 140] #A3BE8C
yellow: [235,203,139] #EBCB8B
blue: [129, 161, 193] #81A1C1
magenta: [180, 142, 173] #B48EAD
cyan: [136, 192, 208] #88C0D0
white: [229, 233, 240] #E5E9F0
orange: [208, 135, 112] #D08770
fg: [169,177,214] #A9B1D6
bg: [26,27,38] #1A1B26
black: [56,62,90] #383E5A
red: [249,51,87] #F9334D
green: [158,206,106] #9ECE6A
yellow: [224,175,104] #E0AF68
blue: [122,162,247] #7AA2F7
magenta: [187,154,247] #BB9AF7
cyan: [42,195,222] #2AC3DE
white: [192,202,245] #C0CAF5
orange: [255,158,100] #FF9E64