My own configuration files
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236 lines
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TERM: xterm-256color
decorations: none
startup_mode: Maximized
x: 3
y: 6
family: Cascadia Code PL
style: Light
family: Cascadia Code PL
style: Regular
family: Cascadia Code PL
style: Italic
family: Cascadia Code PL
style: Bold Italic
size: 14.5
# # Colors (
# colors:
# # Default colors
# primary:
# background: '0x000000'
# foreground: '0xb6b6b6'
# # Normal colors
# normal:
# black: '0x000000'
# red: '0x990000'
# green: '0x00a600'
# yellow: '0x999900'
# blue: '0x7eaac7'
# magenta: '0xb200b2'
# cyan: '0x00a6b2'
# white: '0xbfbfbf'
# # Bright colors
# bright:
# black: '0x666666'
# red: '0xe50000'
# green: '0x00d900'
# yellow: '0xe5e500'
# blue: '0x0000ff'
# magenta: '0xe500e5'
# cyan: '0x00e5e5'
# white: '0xe5e5e5'
# Colors (Horizon Dark)
# colors:
# # Primary colors
# primary:
# background: '0x1c1e26'
# foreground: '0xe0e0e0'
# # Normal colors
# normal:
# black: '0x16161c'
# red: '0xe95678'
# green: '0x29d398'
# yellow: '0xfab795'
# blue: '0x26bbd9'
# magenta: '0xee64ac'
# cyan: '0x59e1e3'
# white: '0xd5d8da'
# # Bright colors
# bright:
# black: '0x5b5858'
# red: '0xec6a88'
# green: '0x3fdaa4'
# yellow: '0xfbc3a7'
# blue: '0x3fc4de'
# magenta: '0xf075b5'
# cyan: '0x6be4e6'
# white: '0xd5d8da'
# # Colors (Hyper)
# colors:
# # Default colors
# primary:
# background: '0x000000'
# foreground: '0xffffff'
# cursor:
# text: '0xF81CE5'
# cursor: '0xffffff'
# # Normal colors
# normal:
# black: '0x000000'
# red: '0xfe0100'
# green: '0x33ff00'
# yellow: '0xfeff00'
# blue: '0x0066ff'
# magenta: '0xcc00ff'
# cyan: '0x00ffff'
# white: '0xd0d0d0'
# # Bright colors
# bright:
# black: '0x808080'
# red: '0xfe0100'
# green: '0x33ff00'
# yellow: '0xfeff00'
# blue: '0x0066ff'
# magenta: '0xcc00ff'
# cyan: '0x00ffff'
# white: '0xFFFFFF'
# # Colors (Base16 Default Dark)
# colors:
# # Default colors
# primary:
# background: '0x181818'
# foreground: '0xd8d8d8'
# # Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true
# cursor:
# text: '0xd8d8d8'
# cursor: '0xd8d8d8'
# # Normal colors
# normal:
# black: '0x181818'
# red: '0xab4642'
# green: '0xa1b56c'
# yellow: '0xf7ca88'
# blue: '0x7cafc2'
# magenta: '0xba8baf'
# cyan: '0x86c1b9'
# white: '0xd8d8d8'
# # Bright colors
# bright:
# black: '0x585858'
# red: '0xab4642'
# green: '0xa1b56c'
# yellow: '0xf7ca88'
# blue: '0x7cafc2'
# magenta: '0xba8baf'
# cyan: '0x86c1b9'
# white: '0xf8f8f8'
# Colors (Ayu Dark)
# colors:
# # Default colors
# primary:
# background: '0x0A0E14'
# foreground: '0xB3B1AD'
# # Normal colors
# normal:
# black: '0x01060E'
# red: '0xEA6C73'
# green: '0x91B362'
# yellow: '0xF9AF4F'
# blue: '0x53BDFA'
# magenta: '0xFAE994'
# cyan: '0x90E1C6'
# white: '0xC7C7C7'
# # Bright colors
# bright:
# black: '0x686868'
# red: '0xF07178'
# green: '0xC2D94C'
# yellow: '0xFFB454'
# blue: '0x59C2FF'
# magenta: '0xFFEE99'
# cyan: '0x95E6CB'
# white: '0xFFFFFF'
# # Colors (Blood Moon)
# colors:
# # Default colors
# primary:
# background: '0x10100E'
# foreground: '0xC6C6C4'
# # Normal colors
# normal:
# black: '0x10100E'
# red: '0xC40233'
# green: '0x009F6B'
# yellow: '0xFFD700'
# blue: '0x0087BD'
# magenta: '0x9A4EAE'
# cyan: '0x20B2AA'
# white: '0xC6C6C4'
# # Bright colors
# bright:
# black: '0x696969'
# red: '0xFF2400'
# green: '0x03C03C'
# yellow: '0xFDFF00'
# blue: '0x007FFF'
# magenta: '0xFF1493'
# cyan: '0x00CCCC'
# white: '0xFFFAFA'
# Colors (iTerm 2 default theme)
# Default colors
background: '0x101421'
foreground: '0xfffbf6'
# Normal colors
black: '0x2e2e2e'
red: '0xeb4129'
green: '0xabe047'
yellow: '0xf6c744'
blue: '0x47a0f3'
magenta: '0x7b5cb0'
cyan: '0x64dbed'
white: '0xe5e9f0'
# Bright colors
black: '0x565656'
red: '0xec5357'
green: '0xc0e17d'
yellow: '0xf9da6a'
blue: '0x49a4f8'
magenta: '0xa47de9'
cyan: '0x99faf2'
white: '0xffffff'