snippet #py "Set the python environment." #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """${1:Module documentation}""" $0 endsnippet snippet class "Starting a Python class" class ${1:ClassName}(${2:object}): """${3:Class documentation}""" $0 endsnippet snippet lint "Start a lint-disable comment" # pylint:disable=${0:lint code} endsnippet snippet from "Import a module from another" from ${1:source} import ${2:module} endsnippet snippet def "Function" def ${1:function name}(${2:parameters}): """${3:Function description}""" $0 endsnippet snippet init "Class init" def __init__(self, ${0:params}): return endsnippet snippet nocover "Remove the block from the coverage" # pragma: no cover endsnippet snippet ain "assertIn" self.assertIn(${1:needle}, ${2:haystack}) endsnippet