My own configuration files
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

123 lines
3.4 KiB

" local syntax file - set colors on a per-machine basis:
" vim: tw=0 ts=4 sw=4
" Vim color file
" Maintainer: Omar Gomez <>
" Last Change: 2009 Jan 09
" Header
set background=light
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "guepardo"
" Colors
" Grays:
" fcfcfc: Very light gray
" 7f7f7f: Strong gray
" e4e5e4: Pale gray
" Blues:
" 5181ab: Greyish blue
" 0064f3: Strong blue
" deefff: Pale blue
" 0086b5: Deep blue
" Violet:
" 4970cc: Deep purple
" d66715: Burnt Orange
" ff8d03: Deep orange
"894c24: brown
" 1ca330: Deep green
hi Normal guifg=#000000 guibg=#fcfcfc "Very Light Grey
hi Title guifg=#894c24 "Brown
hi Comment gui=italic guifg=#5181ab "Greish blue
hi String guifg=#7f7f7f "Strong gray
hi Constant guifg=#5181ab "Greysh blue
hi pythonBuiltin guifg=#5181ab "Greysh blue
hi Special guifg=#4970cc "Deep purple
hi Identifier guifg=#1ca330 "Deep green
hi Statement gui=bold guifg=#0086b5 "Deep blue
hi PreProc gui=bold guifg=#4900cc "Deep purple
hi Type gui=bold guifg=#0086b5 "Deep blue
hi Function gui=bold guifg=#0086b5 "Deep blue
hi Repeat gui=bold guifg=Black
hi Error guibg=Red guifg=White
hi Todo guibg=#5181ab guifg=#ffffff "Greish blue
hi Cursor guibg=#0064f3 guifg=#ffffff "Strong blue
hi Include guifg=#894c24 "Brown
hi pythonStatement guifg=#0086b5 "Deep blue
hi pythonImport guifg=#894c24
hi pythonRepeat gui=bold guifg=Black " Python Repeat : for, while, etc.
hi pythonConditional gui=bold guifg=Black " Python conditonnal : if, elif, else, then
hi pythonPrecondit guifg=#894c24 " python Precondit : import from
hi pythonOperator gui=bold guifg=Black " pythonOperator : and, in, is, not, or
hi pythonComment gui=italic guifg=#5181ab "Greish blue
hi pythonRawString guifg=#4970cc " Python raw strings
hi LineNr guibg=#5181ab guifg=#ffffff
hi Visual guibg=#0064f3 guifg=#ffffff
hi StatusLine guibg=#ffffff guifg=#5181ab
hi StatusLineNC guibg=#ffffff guifg=#5181ab
hi Folded guibg=#5181ab guifg=#ffffff
hi FoldColumn guibg=#5181ab guifg=#ffffff
hi MatchParen guibg=#ff8d03 guifg=White
hi CursorLine guibg=#deefff
hi Search guibg=White guifg=#ff8d03
hi IncSearch guibg=White guifg=#ff8d03
hi SpecialKey guifg=#4970cc
hi WarningMsg guibg=Red guifg=White
hi Menu guibg=#ff6a6a guifg=#000000
hi Pmenu guibg=#babdb6 guifg=#555753
hi PmenuSel guibg=#eeeeee guifg=#2e3436
hi Ignore guifg=#7f7f7f
" Common groups that link to default highlighting.
" You can specify other highlighting easily.
hi! default link Operator Type
hi! default link Character String
hi! default link Number Constant
hi! default link Boolean Constant
hi! default link Float Number
hi! default link Conditional Repeat
hi! default link Label Statement
hi! default link Keyword Statement
hi! default link Exception Special
hi! default link Include PreProc
hi! default link Define PreProc
hi! default link Macro PreProc
hi! default link PreCondit PreProc
hi! default link StorageClass Type
hi! default link Structure Type
hi! default link Typedef Type
hi! default link Tag Special
hi! default link SpecialChar Special
hi! default link Delimiter Special
hi! default link SpecialComment Special
hi! default link Debug Special
hi! default link Directory MatchParen
hi! default link NonText LineNr
hi! default link ModeMsg LineNr
hi! default link MoreMsg LineNr
" ===== Statements
hi! default link Underlined Special
" pythonException: