Responses for exercises in Exercism.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Hints
## General
- [Floating-point numeric types introduction][].
## 1. Calculate the interest rate
- By default, any floating-point number defined in C# code is treated as a `double`. To use a different floating-point type (like `float` or `decimal`), one must add the appropriate [suffix][] to the number.
## 2. Calculate the annual balance update
- When calculating the annual yield, it might be useful to temporarily convert a negative balance to a positive one. One could use arithmetic here, or one of the methods in the [`Math` class][].
## 3. Calculate the years before reaching the desired balance
- To calculate the years, one can keep looping until the desired balance is reached. C# has several [looping constructs][].
- There is a special [operator][increment-operator] to increment values by 1.